Ch 32

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Alastor's POV

The streets of hell were calm. I stepped over a corpse and kicked a severed arm out of my way.

Humming softly, I breathed in the scent of blood. Oh, how I love this. The tortured screams of those I murder always brings me such happiness, but...

My smile faltered and my steps ceased.

I feel as if something is missing. Did I forget something? I looked around, all around me were corpses. They littered the streets of my Northern Territory.

What could I possibly be missing?

My eyes widened when it felt like the ground began to spin, and I swayed as the ground beneath me forced me to do a 180.

My breath caught in my throat when my eyes landed on the one demon left alive among the pile of bodies.

Her green eyes met mine, and she was standing about 20 feet away from me. The feeling lifted from my chest when I saw her, and my smile widened.

She silently smiled at me, and a gentle breeze lifted her hair, tussling it slightly. Her hand raised and she waved at me.

I opened my mouth to speak, trying to greet her. To tell her to come towards me so we can go home. These dirty streets are no place for a lady such as herself.

But the words that left my mouth were not what I wanted to say.

"One left alive? Well that just won't do," I said, a low chuckle leaving my throat.

What? No that's not what I wanted to say...

She kept her same soft smile. The distance between us became less in the blink of an eye. She was only about 10 feet away from me now.

Her clothing was stained in blood, and I looked over her. I wanted to ask her what happened, and I wanted to help her. Yet, when I tried to act upon my thoughts, nothing happened.

It's like I'm trapped. Inside my own head.

"Are you hurt?" My voice felt foreign, and she nodded. Her smile never faded, and her eyes glimmered softly in the dim light of the street lamps around us.

The distance between us became smaller. She stood five feet from me. I could almost reach her.

"I can make that pain go away," my smile widened but inside I was screaming. Stop it. Stop it!

What are you doing! Stop it! It's not me, Ariel run!

My body took a step towards her, and the distance became 3 feet.

Another step, and only 1 foot separated us. She stared up at me. I felt like I was locked in a box.

Her light green eyes lost their soft glow, and I watched her small ears disappear as her hair melted into that deep chestnut color.

Her skin gained its life back, and her small fangs slowly retracted, that soft smile on her face never leaving.

"Do you trust me?" I asked her, the feeling of my claws extending making my heart race. Her hair bounced softly as she nodded her head.

She reached up and gently touched the side of my face, "I always have."

A gasp ripped through her throat as my claws buried themselves into her stomach. My teeth clenched together and tears burned my eyes.

In that moment I gained control over my body again, and yanked my claws from her stomach.

Her body crumpled into my chest, and I caught her, falling to my knees. My entire body began to tremble, and I cradled her.

A nausea set into the pit of my stomach, and tears fell from my eyes, my head shaking back and forth as I muttered to myself.

"No, no..."

I couldn't stop my bottom lip from quivering, heavy sobs racking my body as I rocked her back and forth.

Please open your eyes...please.

Her face was peaceful, her cheek resting against my lower chest. Apart from the heavily bleeding wound on her stomach, she could just be sleeping...

I looked at the blood staining my hand.

Her blood.

She's dead.

And I killed her.


I jolted forward with a sharp gasp. My breathing was ragged, and looked at my hand.

No blood.

I'm in bed...I'm in bed, it was only a dream...

"Baby...?" Ariels groggy voice broke the silence. I looked over at her.


I quickly smiled, reaching over and pushing the hair away from her tired eyes.

"I'm sorry I woke you, darling...go on back to sleep," I whispered softly. She did so, quickly falling back asleep.

I watched her, making sure her breathing evened out before I slid out of bed and towards the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror I scowled. Get a are Alastor. The Radio Demon. Hell fears your name, so get a grip.

My hair was messy and my eyes had dark circles beneath them. What kind of a fucked up dream was that?

I never dream. Not in life, not in death, so why now? And why that?

I'd never hurt her...I'd never...

I glanced over at her sleeping form, furrowing my eyebrows.

I'd never...

You're a monster.

I know I'm a monster...but she loves me. I love her. I'd never hurt her.

I suppose you'd say the same for mother?

Shut up. It's time to shut up.

My teeth clenched and I quickly blinked away the tears behind my eyes. I promised myself I would never lose control like that again...

And I never will. Not in this life. Not in the next. Not with her, and not even with Vox.

My mother...

My eyes softened as I stared at my reflection.

I didn't mean to kill her...and to this day, she is the only person I regret killing. I will make sure that I never wake up to someone I love covered in slashes and blood ever again.

I know I'm a monster.

But she sees me as I am, and loves me anyway. She sees the truth behind my eyes, and forgives me.

I would never hurt her. Ariel is the closest thing to heaven I've ever touched, and nothing could ever tear her from my heart.

It's like she branded her name into my throat.

I turned away from the mirror, clicking off the bathroom light and going back to bed. I slid in next to her, and her small body shifted.

When I settled, her arms wrapped around my torso, and she pulled herself closer to me, a soft moan leaving her mouth.

I smiled softly, and wrapped my arm around her. There's something so precious about her...

And nothing will ever take her away from me.

Tethered to You (Alastor X OC)Where stories live. Discover now