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Angel's POV

I kept my head down as I walked to Val's office. The large golden doors were shut, and I swallowed nervously.

I knocked three times like he instructs all his whores to do.

"Come in," came his gravelly voice. Quickly I opened and shut the door, stepping into the dimly lit room.

He was standing by the large window, looking out. There was a cigarette between his fingers and his free hand was resting on the opposite arm, fingers drumming.

Oh, fuck...

His lower set of arms were crossed, leaving a sinking pit in my stomach.

"Angel, baby..." he started slowly, then turned to face me. He had a threatening smile on his face that made me take a step back.

"Please...tell me why you're here..." he said with that same smile, the growl in his tone letting off at how pissed he currently was.

"V-Val I'm working on it, please, Alasta and his lady aren't very easy to rea—"

In an instant, he blew up.

"I said TELL ME why you are here, Angel baby~"

My legs began to tremble and I swallowed to wet my dry throat, "b-because I haven't completed the task you gave to me, mista Valentino," I responded shamefully, keeping my head down.

"Very good, now...I feel like my offer is pretty generous...but I can deduct that generosity if you can't even complete one simple little task, Angel Cakes."

His sick smile returned and my heart dropped.

"N-no! No...I-I'm sorry, I'll get it done...give me a week—"

"24 hours. You've been fucking around and wasting my time for three god damn months. Get it done. 24 hours."

I felt the blood drain from my face and my hands shook, I thought about protesting...

But I know better.

I lowered my head, my voice sounding small, "yes, daddy."


I trudged into the hotel, looking over the vile in my hand. Curiously, I swirled the tar-like liquid around.

"Angel!" Charlie's shrill voice made me jump, nearly dropping the vile and giving me a heart attack in the process.

Quickly I hid it behind my back, spinning to face the princess.

"Hey, suga!" I greeted her with a guilty smile. She raised an eyebrow, tilting her head.

"You ok...? You look a little flushed, are you sick?" She sounded worried and took a few steps towards me. I shook my head, retreating away from her advance.

"Nope! All good with me, toots...u-uh...say, you're friends with the radio demon's little broad, right?" I asked her, putting the sloppy plan I was forced to come up with into action.

Charlie nodded, looking skeptical, "yes...why?"

"Well, you know she's pregnant, right?" I said, and Charlie's eyes lit up.

"She is?! Oh my gosh! Oh I have to go call her right now I—"

"I was thinkin we could do somethin for her..." I spit out, and Charlie stopped.

"What do you mean?"

I winced slightly, preparing to be either questioned or shut down.

"L-like, ya know a party? Like a...a...a baby shower!" I said with a nod and a smile.

To my utter relief, Charlie's eyes lit up, and her smile broadened, "Angel, you're absolutely right! Oh my gosh, I'm going to go call her right now. I can't believe she didn't tell me, oh this will be so much fun I can't even wait. . . ."

Her voice faded as she rounded the corner and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Once again I looked at the vile in my hand, my brows knitting together.

For some reason, it gave me an uneasy feeling...but I can't refuse, that's not an option I have the luxury of choosing.

But Val wouldn't do something too sadistic to a pregnant woman's man...

Would he...?


Ariel's POV

I sat in a little armchair, reading out loud so the baby could listen to my voice. Alastor was sitting a little ways away from me, reading his own book.

Suddenly, the phone rang and I jumped in surprise. Who could be calling so late in the evening?

Alastor shut his book, standing up and heading to the phone. He picked it up, answering calmly.


I couldn't hear the other person, I could only listen in anticipation as I waited for Alastor's end of the conversation to continue.

"Ah, princess...what's that...?"

He sounded perplexed, and hummed after a second.

"Why, that's sweet, Charlie dear...yes...yes of course, I'll let her know. Thank you, yes...bye bye," he said, hanging up the phone.

I watched as he re-emerged into the room. His smile was a bit wider.

"What?" I asked him, my own smile creeping up onto my face.

He knelt in front of me, laying his head on my stomach. He hummed softly, closing his eyes. His hands tenderly ran over my stomach, feeling about.

Then came his voice, "Charlie wants to throw you a little party...a get together called a "baby shower" I believe she said it was," he said. My eyes widened, and it was then I realized I'd completely forgotten to tell Charlie I was pregnant.

But she found out...?

Probably from the news.

"Really?" I asked him excitedly, "that's so sweet...when?" I asked and his smile widened.

"Tomorrow afternoon, she says she's too excited to wait any longer," he snickered and I laughed as well.

Suddenly the baby kicked and I gasped softly, my hand flying to my stomach. Alastor put his hand over mine, "my, those little kicks are getting quite strong..." he chuckled.

Then his eyes slowly widened.

His hand was glowing a soft green, and he slowly raised his other hand to my stomach as well, both of his hands glowing.

"Strong...just like her daddy..." he said softly.

I was about to respond with something snarky, but my words caught in my throat.

"Her...?" I breathed, and he raised his softly glowing red eyes to me.


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