Ch 39

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Vox's POV

Slowly...slowly my servers came back online. My eyes opened, and I felt like I'd just been hit by a truck.

Actually...that would probably have been less painful.

There was a demon above me...the image was fuzzy, my sight receptors were having difficulty connecting.

But finally the image cleared up.

Her soft green eyes looked down at me, a gentle smile on her face. Immediately I cocked an eyebrow at her, doing a quick up and down of her appearance.

She was wearing a sports bra and sweatpants. Her arm had a bandage on it, and the side of her head where I'd knocked her out had a big purple bruise.

I looked around, taking in my surroundings. Where the fuck am I?

Then I noticed something in the back corner of the room. It was completely dark, except for the silhouette of Alastor, his eyes glowing a deep red. They were narrowed on me, and I could see that he was leaned back against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Hey," her voice pulled me away from my observations. I looked at the small woman above me, and tried to sit up.

A strangled noise left my throat as pain shot through my...everywhere.

She put her hands on my chest, and I realized I wasn't wearing my suit. I wasn't even wearing a shirt. I looked down at her hands and back up to her.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice glitching from the damage. She guided my body back down, and I realized I was on a couch.

Am I at Alastor'

Ignoring my question she chuckled, "you two had a pretty nasty fight...and by nasty I mean he almost killed you,"

I looked away, my mouth forming a relaxed line.

"Ok..." I started, "but why am I here...?"

Normally I would've been gone by now, probably threw a few curses on the way out, but I'm so tired. My body feels like I just went through the ringer.

She hummed, and it was then I noticed the bandages wrapped around my torso, covering my entire stomach and part of my chest. She situated another bandage onto my shoulder and started wrapping it.

"Because I asked him to bring you here," she responded casually, and I felt myself malfunction.


"Why the fuck would you do that?" I asked, genuinely curious. I killed this girl's friend, almost killed her, and tried to kill her lover...and she's...helping me?

"Because you were going to die if we left you the way you, I just wanted to bring you here and help you feel better, then you can leave," she said, and I blinked.

She finished wrapping the bandage and smiled at me again. That cute little smile...but this is so weird. There's got to be a catch.

I looked towards the nuisance in the corner, and narrowed my eyes, "what's the fucking catch?" I spat towards him. He's gotta want something in return for this.

He growled, "you're just lucky she took pity on you, you pathetic piece of scrap metal," he spat back, and my eyes widened.

She's seriously just helping me...? Just because?

My eyes landed back on her. She seemed unfazed by the short argument, and instead was focused on my screen.

I'm sure I had a few cracks, but I wasn't well enough to heal them right now. She reached forward and I winced slightly, but allowed her fingers to graze over my screen.

"Your face is cracked in a few different places...he's being kind of pouty right now, so I don't think he's gonna help us," she whispered the last part, letting off a little laugh. I chuckled as well.

He is kinda pouty.

"Lay back," she instructed, and I did so. I sent a glance towards Alastor, making sure he was still there. He was.

She leaned over me, and all I could see was her focused expression. She smiled, and I couldn't help but notice those cute little fangs. I raised my hand up to look at it, and she had even wrapped up where she bit me.

Everything about this girl is confusing me. Her kindness is a characteristic no mortal demon in hell possesses.

"Sit still," she said, and I quickly put my hand down. It felt like getting chastised by my mother, and it's strange to explain.

"Ok, now I'm going to try to heal your bare with me," she sounded unsure, which didn't really help me feel confident in her abilities.

Her fingertips began to glow a soft pink color, and I watched her hold her hands over my face.

A tingling sensation began to spread through my screen and down my neck slightly. After a moment it stopped, and I felt much better.

"I did it!" She let out excitedly, and I watched her turn towards Alastor, "baby, did you see that?!"

Her excitement was adorable, and it was interesting seeing the soft expression Alastor held when he was looking at her. He sighed deeply.

"I did, darling...good job...even though you did it to heal the man who tried to kill us all," he said bitterly.

He has a fair point, I'm not going to lie.

She waved her hand, "oh hush, you kill people every single day, all Vox did was attempt to kill us," she defended, and I nearly laughed.

Alastor growled and she sent a sideways glare towards him, and then looked back to me with a smile. She sighed and stood up, she was only like...5'5? I don't know, she was short.

"What's your name?" I asked her and she jumped, I guess she wasn't expecting to hear me speak again.

"Ariel," she responded and I sighed, closing my eyes as the aches in my body forced me to relax into the soft couch.

"Thanks..." I muttered and I felt her cool fingers smooth out my bandages and they felt soft when she grazed over my skin.

"You're welcome..." she said back softly, "here, take these..."

I opened my eyes and she was holding a suit out to me. It wasn't my suit, but it was a suit. Alastor's, maybe? Oh, I bet he's pissed about that.

I glanced over at him and his eyes were closed, and he was leaned fully against the wall.

He looked exhausted.

I took the grey suit, and finally sat up. My body protested, but I made it. I looked up at the little doe demon, and her eyes were soft.

What a strange creature, honestly.

"Get dressed and get the fuck out of my house."

My eyes snapped towards Alastor and I cocked an eyebrow at him. Did he just say fuck? I have never heard him say that before.

A cold panic set into my chest, then.

Val. I have to go Val.

He sold us out, but I already know he's going to blame it on me. Pin it on me. Somehow, it's going to be my fault. My expression fell into a grimace and I sighed.

I glanced up at Ariel, and she stepped back and walked over to Alastor. She smiled towards me and shrugged, then turned towards Alastor and started talking with him.

I stood up and walked towards the bathroom, trying to keep my panicking to a minimum.

She may have healed my cracks, but after I go home I have a feeling I'm going to get some new ones...

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