Ch 44 (pt. 1)

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Above is a snippet of a comic redraw I did (am currently doing). The original can be found on YouTube under "Alastor finds a baby" idk who the artist is (its in the description I'm p sure) but you can go watch it to see the amazing original!

I just loved it, and wanted to draw it.

Also let me know if y'all like my my art interruptions or if you'd rather it just be the chapters so I know I'm not being annoying 😂

Alastor's POV

Charlie was silent. After I told her what I'd said, her whole body stilled. I don't even think she was breathing.

I put my head in my hands, shaking it back and forth in utter defeat.

"Alastor...look at me..." she said softly, and I slowly looked up. The princess still held that same caring look in her eyes.

I caught myself thinking how is this child more mature than me......sometimes I have to step back and remind myself she's a solid 200 years older than me.

She touched my hand gently, and I had half a mind to yank away from her, but decided against it.

"I think I know what's going on..." she started, and I waited for her to continue, "you may have said those things to her...but you weren't actually talking to her were you..." she asked softly.

I froze.

Those were all things I would have gladly said to Vox...or Valentino...or any of them, really.

The princess kept talking, "you got're not used to that, I can tell," she chuckled, "...and you took it out on the wrong the wrong time..." she finished with a gentle smile.

She's right, absolutely right on the nose correct.

I blinked, unsure of how to respond to that.

"Yes...that's...yes I suppose that's right..." I said eventually and she hummed.

"Talk to her..." she said, squeezing my hand slightly. Then she let go and stood up.

I panicked again, snatching her hand before she could disappear. She jumped and looked down at our hands then to me.

I'm sure I looked just pathetically desperate.

But I don't care. I need to make this right.

"What if...what if she won't listen? What if she won't forgive me?" I said, sounding more like a plea.

Charlie chuckled softly, her form beginning to fade away as she teleported back to the hotel.

"Do it anyway."

Once she was completely gone, I pursed my lips. With the wave of my hand a keyhole opened once again.

There she was.

She was still curled up on the floor, but my shadow was curled around her protectively, letting her use him as a bed of sorts.

Her cheeks were swollen and her eyes were puffy. She had her arms around him desperately, her body shivering every now and then. She was asleep.

She cried herself to sleep...because of me.

There was an odd pain in my chest. What is wrong with me? Of all the people I lose my temper with, she should be off the list.

But it's done. I made my mistake.

Now I just need to...try and fix it.

I shut the portal and then teleported down to the lobby. The room was silent aside from the gentle churring coming from my minion.

Tethered to You (Alastor X OC)Where stories live. Discover now