Ch 58

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Alastor's POV

The door swung open, revealing a smiling princess.

"Ariel!" She exclaimed, pulling her into a quick, but gentle, hug. She was very careful with her, not hugging her too aggressively and minding her very round baby bump.

It shouldn't be long now, actually...maybe three more weeks? Her belly grew very fast...I think baby demons grow faster than human babies.

So 9 months was shortened to about 5, it seems.

Which left me excited and...utterly terrified.

I smiled down at the little demon princess after she released Ariel. Ariel walked in and Charlie gently touched my arm.

I had the initial thought to yank away, but I allowed her to touch me since it was from a place of pure kindness.

"Congratulations, Alastor..." she said, her voice soft and sincere. I softened my own look, looking past her at my beautiful partner.

"Thank you, dear..." I said, and with that she moved aside so I could enter. I scanned the room and ultimately I was impressed.

It was very nicely decorated for only having a days notice. There was a table piled high with presents that Ariel had quickly spotted.

She turned to Charlie, "Charlie! You didn't have to..." she started but Charlie waved her hand.

"Nonsense! You've helped me so much...I owe you," she said with a kind smile. Reluctantly, Ariel accepted this and kept looking around.

That uneasy feeling still rested in my chest, my eyes scanning the room.

My gaze landed on the arachnid and my smile turned sinister as I quickly approached him.

"Angel Dust." I spoke lowly and his entire body tensed up.

Oh...he was definitely up to no good.

He slowly turned around, a smile on his face. A guilty one.

"Hey sexy~!" He said, masking that guilt in his eyes with a flamboyant personality. He quickly started flirting with me, making me growl.

"I'd advise you to shut up," I hissed, and to my surprise he did. His eyes cast down.

"Now, this party will run smoothly, so I'm only asking you this once," I seethed at him, "why were you following us?"

His eyes widened and he visibly started sweating.

"I-I...I just saw on the news that...that ya lady was pregnant, s-so I was just being nosy's all," he said with a nervous chuckle.

I growled lowly, switching my eyes and glaring at him. I leaned forward, pulling him towards me slightly and whispering lowly into his ear, "I'll break every single one of your bones if you so much as look at her again," I hissed with a sneer, knowing his explanation was complete bullshit. 

With that I pulled away, patting his chest and straightening his suit where I'd messed it up.

"Capeesh?" I said in a normal, almost friendly, voice. He swallowed hard, nodding.


Angel's POV

Fuck. Fuck.

How the fuck...

As he walked away I felt ice set into my bones. He's literally going to fucking kill me...what have I agreed to.

Suddenly my phone buzzed, and I pulled it out with a shaking hand.

Tethered to You (Alastor X OC)Where stories live. Discover now