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Alastor's POV

"Darling slow down—"

"Al look!" She said with excitement as she held up another pair of baby shoes.

Well, they're more like booties. Little socks.

I don't know.

She giggled and threw them into the basket and then continued looking. I smiled softly as I watched her pick up everything her little heart desired.

I am, of course, pushing the cart.

There were demons scattered about the store, and some watched us curiously as we shopped. When they noticed me, it was like their brain stopped working. It was actually getting a bit annoying, that reaction.

I would slaughter them, but we're in a baby store, and I feel like that's just a bit insensitive.

Ariel was grabbing things left and right. Things I didn't even know the name of, and some things I recognized.

I couldn't help but feel cautious as I watched her pick apart the store with her bare hands. I have this overwhelming need to protect her, recently, and her even being a few feet from me at a time stresses me out.

I was standing a bit aways away from her, watching her like a hawk. She was looking at the bassinets, going over each one and reading every little detail about them.

Suddenly, an imp woman came over and started looking as well. My ears perked up and I narrowed my eyes on her.

Ariel didn't seem bothered by her, though, so I stayed where I was. The woman was holding a very small infant, and also seemed to be very pregnant as well.

Ariel looked over at her, "oh! Excuse me, miss, did you want to see these?" She said, quickly moving. The woman chuckled softly, waving her hand.

"No, honey, you're fine. This is your first one?" She said, a gentle smile on her face. Ariel nodded, "yes! And yours is so cute!" She said, referring to the infant.

The woman shifted the baby in her arms, "why thank you! Her name is Jessie, do you know if yours is a boy or a girl?" She asked, beginning to look over the price tags on the bassinets.

"We're not sure yet," she giggled, and I smiled softly. Soon, I'll be able to tell soon...

"Well, he's a lucky man. Such a sweet girl, you are," said the imp woman, and Ariel looked over at me. The woman's gaze followed and as soon as her eyes landed on me they widened.

But then she just smiled softly.

She turned back to Ariel, and took her by the hand, "here, sweetie, these are the best they have," she said leading her towards some different bassinets.

The women were talking, and I let my focus wonder from the bassinets over to the television hanging on the wall.

I tuned into the news that was playing and nearly rolled my eyes at the story.

"Alastor the radio demon has been spotted with his lover at Crybaby's! Could this mean what we think it means? Further information will be available whenever the fuck someone calls us, now onto the next story—"

Lowlifes. Can my Ariel and I not get one moment's peace?

I looked back over at Ariel and the imp woman was no longer with her.

I quickly walked over and stood by her side, wrapping my arm around her.

"Do you see any you like, my love?" I asked her softly, and she hummed.

Her hand was resting on a white one with light pink trim, and I remembered the bassinet from the human store.

Then she moved on to a dark wooden one, and smiled, "I think this one will be perfect," she said and I smiled.

"Then that is the one we shall get."


??? POV

I watched from a little ways away...Val had asked me to get this potion to the radio demon.

I've met him a couple of times...he's definitely frightening, I'll give him that.

But when I saw him out with his old lady, I figured I'd follow them to get a feel of how I'm going to have to handle this.

I looked down at the small vile of black liquid in my hand and cringed.

"What da'fuk is dis shit anyways," I muttered to myself.

I looked back up and noticed the doe demon was pointing out a bassinet. Wait...


Is she...?

I figured they may just be in here shopping for a friend or something, but in hindsight that's kinda fucking stupid.

The radio demon had his hand on her back, which he then removed to pick up the box containing the bassinet.

No...she's pregnant. Wow. That's crazy, I never would have thought...

Well, I still need to figure out a plan. I've seen them around the hotel before, but I've never really talked to them.

All I know is in return for getting this potion to the radio demon, Val is going to tear up my contract. That's a price I can't refuse.

I don't know what it does, but it looks nasty. It probably just dampens his powers or something.

The doe demon turned to the side slightly and my eyes widened. Ok, yea she's definitely pregnant. Her belly was round, not too too round, but you could defiantly tell there was a lil baby in there.

I smiled slightly, thats sweet...

With that I turned and left, deciding I can figure this out back at the hotel.

Alastor's POV

My eyes narrowed as I watched the arachnid leave.

Angel Dust.

He's been following us this entire time...what does he want.

Perhaps he was just curious...but why?

Him and Ariel aren't friends, not to my knowledge at least. What purpose would he have to be following us around?

Perhaps he was merely going to talk to us, maybe check on Ariel for the princess.

At this point I'm reaching.

In all reality I have a bad feeling in my stomach. A gnawing feeling that something is not right.

So as Ariel took the items up to checkout, I pondered this.

What could be wrong...?

Why is Angel following us?

What could possibly be the motive behind—


My ears swiveled and I turned to face the noise. Ariel had dropped one of the pairs of booties and had just begun to start bending over.

Quickly I stopped her, gently standing her back up.

"No, darling, allow me," I said gently, holding her hand. She gave me a small smile and I swept my hand out, causing the booties and also any remaining items in the cart to set up onto the counter.

The demon that was checking us out looked at me curiously, and started scanning the items.

I didn't care.

I pushed Ariel's ears back, giving her a loving smile as I kissed her forehead gently. I placed my hand against her stomach, using my powers to feel inside of her.


I rubbed her stomach gently and let off a soft sigh.

Such a small heartbeat...yet I'd lay down my life to protect it.

I'll worry about the arachnid later.

I have larger priorities, currently.

Tethered to You (Alastor X OC)Where stories live. Discover now