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Alastor's POV

A cold panic set into my chest as I stared down at the princess.

Yes she did... she had to have called me, who else could have—


My teeth clenched and the princess's eyes widened with worry. My eyes were flickering, and I couldn't stop my antlers from growing.

Right now my entire body is on high alert, and is acting as if my life is in danger.

But it's not my life.

Without another word I teleported back to my studio. That sick feeling spread through my entire body as a rage boiled within me.

I had locked up before I left to protect the girls.

But now the door was slightly ajar and the lock was shattered.

I stumbled towards the door, and immediately recognized the scent of iron. Blood.

I slammed the door open and it fell off the hinges, each breath I took came out as a growl, and my eyes widened at the scene before me.

There was blood everywhere, splattered on the floor and the walls. The front desk was ransacked, but nothing was stolen. It just looked as if there was a struggle.

Both girls were gone.

But...this blood isn't Ariels. It doesn't smell like her it smells like...

It smells like...

I took slow steps towards the front desk, trembling from sheer rage. My eyes widened even further and I felt as if my teeth would shatter they were clenched so hard.


No, Betts...

Her eyes were wide open, stray tears left in them. They were dull, and glazed over.

Which wasn't surprising, considering her head was detached from her body.

I bent down slowly, reaching out to push some of her fluff from her eyes.

I glanced next to her body that was laying limply a few inches away. There was a shattered picture frame, the picture of her and her family, splattered with blood.

The air around me grew stale and static began bouncing around. Gently, I closed her eyes, brushing my fingers over her cheek before forcing myself to get up.

I dug my claws into my palm, trying to control my anger. I need to figure something out...

Where is Ariel.

I let out a roar and slammed my fist into the front desk, causing it to break in half.

"Oo, so angry,"

I spun around and shot a blast of fire at the voice, my vision blacking at the edges. My teeth grew longer and my bones cracked as my demonic form began to break through.

Valentino dodged my attempt, and crossed both sets of arms, chuckling. I growled deeply.

"I'll tear you to pieces, insect, where is she!"

My voice glitched and I was trying to control my breathing. Valentino tsk'd and took a step towards me. It took everything in me not to launch towards him and tear his head off.

But I needed him, I needed what he knew.

"So hostile, Alasta, truly Im only here to negotiate," he laughed, giving me a big smile. His gold tooth gleamed in his mouth and I wanted to rip it out and shove it through his eye.

Tethered to You (Alastor X OC)Where stories live. Discover now