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~' Like the flowing wind Like the stars above the clouds. I want to go far away, I want to shine brightly Now I'm goin' slow-mo, I'm a shining solo.'~

"Who are you?" the male asked confused. Making the guys behind him stop and the girl who sat in front turn and face him.

Her long hair flipped when she faced him with curious eyes and as his confused ones met hers, he stared at her in awe. "Lee Taeyong?" she asked back "What are you doing here?". She tilted her head a little and noticed he wasn't alone, another 10 boys behind him she guessed they were the ones who lived here now.

"Kim Jihyun? In Korea?" another guy from behind Taeyong asked, as he pulled Taeyong out of his trance. Jihyun couldn't recognize that person causing her to raise an eyebrow.

"The one and only... and you are...?" she trailed off expecting him to finish. But Taeyong interjected asking her "Is this visit related to the collaboration with SM Entertainment?".

The boys behind him became more confused now, because they had no idea about the business deal involving SM Entertainment furthermore, on why they had to have a business meeting in the residence.

Jihyun furrowed her eyebrows but still replied "No I'm not here to talk about our previous meeting and as to why I'm in Korea, it's because I'm gonna be shifting the headquarters of JH records and labels here."

As soon as she ended another set of 10 boys entered but stopped their tracks just like the first group upon seeing the young woman sitting in the living room.

"If that's the case... then what are you doing here in the residence?" the same guy who didn't introduce himself earlier asked again. "Whoops! I'm Haechan!" he introduced himself brightly, seeing the confused look she gave him again.

"Cuz it's my house" she replied in a monotone but anyone who heard it knew how much authority it held and would not dare to challenge it. But the members of NCT being confused asked her again.

"Your house? But how is that possible? As far as I know, this house hasn't been put up for sale" Taeyong turned to Doyoung who spoke from the second group, and gestured him to calm down.

"That's exactly what I wanted to ask you guys..." Jihyun started wanting to know how they got in with the JH residence being under her name. "How the fk did you guys get into this mansion without my permission and for a fact I know, I never sold it to anyone for the past 10 years" she continued running low on patience.

"Language miss... there are kids here." Jaemin spoke referring to Jisung who stood close.

"Alright how about this... Jihyun please calm down for a second and we all can have a proper talk on the couch. How does that sound?" Taeyong breathed noticing the air getting heavier.

"Fine, but I need proper answers," Jihyun said as she knew to argue about this issue will never end calm.

The members what seemed like twenty of them sat down on the couch while Jihyun had to share with 3 more guys who she had figured to be Taeyong, Doyoung, and another guy who looked younger and Chinese. "I'm Yangyang if you're wondering who I am." He spoke as he had settled on the right side of Jihyun.

"Hey guys" Jihyun started the conversation not making it awkward. But the boys already were, knowing how much power the young CEO had held in the Music industry being idol group themselves.

"Hey" they replied "Let us introduce ourselves... I'm Taeil, the oldest" Taeil started in a calm manner already expecting a long introduction session.

After what felt like an eternity, all nineteen members and Taeyong being the leader introduced themselves. Jihyun was already suffering a headache, due to the long flight which caused a jet lag and the never-ending introduction. But somewhere in the middle, she took a special interest, unknowingly growing fond of the younger members of the group calling themselves the "dreamies". Which she thought suited them perfectly considering their bright nature.

"So back to the topic... why do you guys live here?" she asked hoping this time she'd get a proper reply. But instead, the main door opened and there stood three more men with bags of groceries.

"Promenade" NCT TAEYONG FFWhere stories live. Discover now