~' My baby says she wanna dance with a ghost, She wants to leave me, yeah. You can be angry, you can fight, get a little more room, OK, OK (yeah), OK, OK, yeah, yeah. '~
Taeyong POV
Sighing for the nth time, I checked the clock as it showed 1 a.m. I was still waiting for Jihyun and Jaehyun to get back home.
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed when I noticed a post from Eunwoo, one of Jaehyun's friends who had posted a picture with Jihyun, "Finally reunited with my long-lost Yunmi?" I read out the caption and wondered to myself... 'She already knew Eunwoo?'.
Hearing footsteps from the staircase I was pulled out of my trance and looked at the person awake.
"Hyung what are you doing at this hour?" Hendery asked rubbing his eyes. Looks like he just woke up due to something.
"I was waiting for Jaehyun and Jihyun to get back home." He nodded. "Why are you awake now?" I asked him.
"Oh! I was thirsty so I wanted to get a glass of water." He simply replied making his way towards the kitchen.
"Hyung ... go get some sleep I'm sure they'd be fine. It's not the first time Jaehyun has gone to a club alone before this, and I'm sure Jihyun also knows to handle herself." Hendery said trying to convince me but I wanted to see the two get back.
"Well, if you want to sleep with Jihyun noona then that's a different story but you don't have to be worried about them." I turned and looked at him. At this point, I don't know if he's making fun of me or trying to convince me but before I can reply, the door towards the garage opened.
I was met with a scene of Jihyun struggling to hold up stumbling Jaehyun who was talking nonsense? 'Woahh what an amusing scene to witness.'
"JiHYunn-aHh I LoVe yoU sO MuchHu~~~" Jaehyun sang off tune. He was drunk... scratch that he was totally wasted.
"Ok Jung, I get it that you love me and shit but stop singing my ear hurts" Jihyun replied but it seemed like Jaehyun was in his own world. I heard giggling from beside me and turned to look at Hendery who seemed to be recording the antics of Jaehyun on his phone.
Jihyun also seemed to notice the giggling and turned to look at both me and Hendery. Sighing she called out, "Both of you are just going to stay there and watch the show, is it?". "Help me with this fat kid gosh" she continued sighing again.
I quickly went to her and tried to grab Jaehyun only to get pushed away "Yo dude why did you push me?" I asked. Jaehyun pouted angrily and said, "JiHYun-aH hE's a bAd guY. He wiLl sTEal you fRoM mE. yOu dON't waNt to lEAve yoRr liL bROthEr aLonE, dO yOU?" he said showing puppy eyes to Jihyun which turned fierce when he looked at me.
"Yah I raised you for years and now you are saying this to me?" I asked in disbelief. Hendery and Jihyun chuckled at the childish behavior of both me and Jaehyun, but who cares?
"Oh!! iT's TAeYong hYunG~??~?" Jaehyun questioned and looked at me with hooded eyes.
"Yes, it is... Who else would get married to yOuR sisTaR?" I asked mocking him but he laughed out loud and said... "If iT is TAeYong hYunG yOu arE mArryInG I aM coMinG aLonG wITh yoUUU~~... I liKe tAeyOng hyUNg anD YuNMi sOOOO wE cAn LIve toGethEr. We caN alSo pLaY tOgeTheR moMmY, dADdy AND I'M tHe baby" Jaehyun slurred out words pointing at Jihyun as his 'moMmY' and me as his 'dADdy'.
'The heck is this kid talking about?' I thought to myself, not ignoring the fact that Jaehyun is drunk.
It was funny how Jaehyun said those stuff as if it was nothing when he's drunk but deep inside, he said it because he had craved for a normal family where he was loved as a child.
"Okay, my little brother let's get you to bed first and talk about it tomorrow, okay?" Jihyun spoke ruffling Jaehyun's hair trying to get him to bed. He nodded and they both tried going upstairs only to be pulled by a jealous-looking Taeyong.
"Why will he come and live with us after marriage?" he asked getting pissed by Jihyun's behavior.
"Why can't he? He's my brother Taeyong, stop being unreasonable." She replied trying to calm her nerves.
"I mean there is something called 'privacy' Jihyun-ah. How do you expect me to accept the fact that he'd be in the same house as us after marriage?" Taeyong spoke in a calm yet harsh tone which made her furrow her eyebrows.
"Why not?" she asked again not understanding what problem Taeyong had with Jaehyun living with them.
"If you really have a problem with my brother living with me after not being able to see him for almost 14 years then I suggest us not getting married at all" she continued harshly and made her way upstairs to tuck Jaehyun into his bed and get back to her room.
Taeyong was left dumbfounded by her reply who turned around to look at an awestruck Hendery who was silently recording the whole scene with his jaw dropped.
The night passed by with Taeyong rethinking the lines spoken by his fiancé and Jihyun regretting talking to Taeyong like that.
' We need to fix this as soon as possible. ' was the last thought in both their minds before drifting off to dreamland.
Bonus taeyong meme.....

"Promenade" NCT TAEYONG FF
FanfictionWhat will happen when the Leader of the biggest boy band NCT, gets attracted to a member's hidden twin who is also the richest CEO in the World? How will things take turn to find their destiny ... Part 01 - FLUFF (completed 🐤) Part 02 - ONGOING Ta...