Living a Lie

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"Sakura, wake up!" Shirley whines, dragging me from a fitful slumber. "You might not have a morning class, but you have to wake up!"

"I'm awake," I groan, slinging my arm over my eyes as she opens the blinds to our room. "Geez, I promise you that I am awake. What's the point of making sure that I could have the morning off if I can't sleep in?"

"Because you need to start each day off on the right foot." She flings my covers off my body.

"Hey!" I pull my arm off my eyes, glaring up at the orange-haired girl. "That was uncalled for!"

"Now you have to get up," she sticks her tongue out at me.

I roll my eyes as she walks over to her desk. "I have to work later, so I was hoping to get a little more rest in than normal."

"How is being a waitress? Enjoying all the tips?"

I slip out of bed, heading over to my dresser to pull out my school uniform. "It could be better. Some people are rude, and others think they can tell me to do whatever they want. I know I don't have to do this with my brother being so high up in the ranks now, but I want to." And it is the only way to keep close to Kallen while we plan with C.C. on Black Knight activities.

"If you would just tell me where you work, all of us in the student council would come and support you."

I wave her off, "No, I wouldn't want you guys to do that. Besides, I don't think I will be working there for much longer."

"Oh, why not?"

I start changing into my school uniform as Shirley starts putting her schoolwork into her backpack. "I can only take being hated for who I am for so long."

A silence hangs over us as we both let the comment hang in the air, going about our business to get ready for the school day. It would stay that way if it weren't for a knock on the door.

"Sakura? Are you awake?" Lelouch's kind voice calls out.

"She is thanks to me!" Shirly giggles, glancing over at me to make sure that I am dressed before opening the door. "Hello, vice-president. Need to talk with your girlfriend?"

He nervously smiles, running a hand through his hair. "I'm just picking her up for breakfast."

"I'm ready," I snatch my backpack off my desk, scooting pass Shirley and grabbing Lelouch's hand. "I'll see you later, Shirley. Thanks for waking me up."

She grins, "Any time."

"Now come on, I am hungry!" I start dragging Lelouch down the hall.

He chuckles, "Rolo is trying out some traditional Japanese recipes for you this morning."

"Don't say that too loud," I intertwine our fingers, looking around to make sure that no one heard what he just said. "I'm not Japanese. I'm an 11."

"To everyone else, sure, but not to us." He lifts my hand up to kiss my knuckles. "Never say you aren't Japanese. I remember when you used to be proud of who you are."

"Yeah, well, life got even harder for people trying to hang onto the past like that. I'm lucky to still be going to this school because of my background. Suzaku really knew which strings to pull," I chuckle.

A lot has changed since Lelouch returned to school after being held in the clutches of his father the emperor. His memory was completely reworked, taking away Nunnally and replacing her with a boy the same age named Rolo. He's the only one who knows that Lelouch was once Zero. He's the only one that I've had to be perfect around, but it hasn't been that difficult. I've actually come to like being in the boy's presence.

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