Epilogue: School

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The door to the student council room opens, and all the members rush in as I put the finishing touches to the desserts I have laid out on the table. With two new members to our club, I only thought it appropriate to have a little celebration.

"Sakura, you're the best!" Gino exclaims as he tosses a chocolate chip cookie into his mouth. "Did you really make all of these treats?"

I giggle, taking a sip of punch, "No, it wasn't all by myself. Anya and Euphy helped me. Shirley sat and watched-"

"And licked the spoons!" Shirley blurts out.

"-and Kallen had to babysit little Ohgi. It was nice to have help from others that had cooking experience, unlike that one time Milly forced the bulk of it on one person."

Rivalz chuckles, "If she can make someone else do it, she will."

"I can't believe that the two of you are dating," Kallen teases, taking a bite of a chocolate cupcake.

"I can't believe you're dating Gino," he retorts.

"I'm glad that you think we're dating," Gino grins. "Kallen refuses to admit that is what we are doing after the seven dates we've been on."

"Eight, actually," Anya speaks up. "I can say the with confidence now."

"I kind of miss you taking pictures all the time though," I pout. "All the great pictures and videos you had on your phone, but I'm glad that you can trust your mind and memories again. I'm sorry that you went through hell."

Anya smiles, "I still take plenty of pictures when I feel I should, but it is for a different reason now. I know that I won't be questioning my memory, but I want to be able to share those moments with all of you later."

"I know I haven't known you all long, but I think all these relationships are great," Euphy says. "I also can't believe that you had Arthur all this time. Sakura and I are the ones that saved her from a paw injury right before I sent them to school here."

"I'm taking Arthur when I graduate," I walk over to scratch the cat right between her ears. "She reminds me of Suzaku. She also reminds me of that day when we dressed up as cats to welcome her."

"Oh, that sounds like fun," Euphy coos.

"Not fun," Kallen grumbles. "Not fun at all."

"Oh, come on," Shirley pouts. "I thought it was fun to dress up, and I remember how Sakura and Milly were the sexy cats that day."

"Do not look for those photos!" I snap. "I only did that because I wanted to catch someone's attention, so no one ever has to look at those photos ever again."

"She totally got his attention," Rivalz laughs.

"I want to see these photos," Euphy whines.

"You dressed up too?" Gino looks directly at Kallen.

"Every single one of us dressed up," Kallen answers. "Some against their wills."

"Moving on!" I shout. "We can talk about anything else. Please, let's talk about anything else."

"I want to know about your and Kallen's days with the Black Knights," Rivalz grins. "You were falling asleep in class, and the whole time you were fighting for Japan. The Japan that we all happily live in now."

"I walked right into that one," I groan.

Kallen chuckles, "I'd have to say that is where Sakura and I became as close as we are. If she never joined the Black Knights as Infinity, then I wouldn't have a sister, but that's not what you asked for. When Infinity was revealed to us, I really thought she would keep her mask on at all times. Instead, she revealed her identity to us within seconds. I think a lot of people were surprised, considering that the late prime minister of Japan's daughter was never a public figure like that. She never seemed to put herself out there."

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