The United Federation of Nations

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"There's nothing physically wrong with her that we could find," the doctor explains to Zero. "Her heart is healthy and strong, but she continues to complain of pain in that area. I suggest letting her rest. No excitement for a few days. Keep her comfortable, and if her status doesn't change, we'll check her again in a few days."

"Thank you," Lelouch says, and then the door to the room closes with a hiss.

I force my eyes open, turning my head to see Lelouch holding his mask in his hand as he makes his way over to me. "I'm going to miss the United Federation of Nations announcement," I groan, turning onto my side on the couch I've claimed mine in the room.

"It can't be helped," Lelouch kneels in front of me. "Has this ever happened to you before?"

"Not that I can remember," I sigh, reaching out to cup the side of his face. "It might have something to do with where I ended up when C.C. sent us to other realms. When we returned, and she reverted back to a slave girl, something with our connection was broken. That kind of disruption apparently hurts, but I don't know what to do in order to make the pain stop," I whine.

"I'm sorry, my blossom," he presses a kiss to my palm. "I wish that I could help more than I am."

"Do you have some headphones for me to listen to music? Like classical music."

"I do," he stands up, walking away to the office part of the room.

C.C. pokes her head over the couch opposite of me. Her eyes wide as she is afraid of something in regard to me.

"I can't get you sick, so you don't have to be so far away," I softly smile.

She lets out a squeak, hiding behind the couch once again. She's wearing a white crop-top and white booty shorts. It was the most comfortable and easiest thing to get her to change into.

"Don't want to hear the speech given to all the nation representatives that are present?" Lelouch returns, handing me a pair of headphones and a small tablet.

"I just think it will help," I place the headphones over my ears as I flip onto my back. "The doctor did say I needed to rest. Give my condolences to everyone that I couldn't be there."

"I will," he presses a kiss to my forehead. "C.C., please take good care of my girlfriend while I am gone."

"Yes sir!" she stammers.

He places his mask back on, and then exits the room.

I hold the tablet up to my face, finding the section of classical music and shuffling them. The first soft notes of a piano flutter in my ears, and I let my eyes fall closed. The calming sounds make me feel better as they flow through my body.

I have always believed in the red string of fate that was taught to me as a little girl, but I never stopped to wonder what would happen if that string was cut. If the connection to another person was severed. The connection I had with C.C. before we were pulled into that other realm was the strongest I think she's ever had with another person. When she looks at me, she has no idea who I am. I'm not sure how much I can stand that.

Today is the declaration of the United Federation of Nations that Lelouch and Xingke are presenting to numerous representatives that have not been taken over by Britannia, with the hope that numbered areas will be taken back from the superpower that stole them from their people. As the political brain of the Zero-Infinity pair, I should be out there to give answers to any heavy political questions that might be ask. Instead, I can barely move from this couch that I have been lying on since I returned from the medical tests the doctors put me through.

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