The Zero Requiem

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Two months. It has been two months since Lelouch declared himself the emperor of the world. A whole two months since anyone on the Black Knights was imprisoned for opposing him. Including me.

Ever since I was taken prisoner by Lelouch, I've had cuffs on my ankles and wrists all the time. A guard is stationed to be with me at all times, but I don't even know how I would escape. My Geass can't help me like that. Every meal I have with Lelouch, and he talks as if he isn't keeping me trapped with him. I'm forced to sleep in the same bed as him, and he's the one who picks out the clothes that I will wear that day. He is in control of almost every aspect of my life, unless he is off giving some speech or directing people to do whatever he desires. When I am all alone, I go and visit the others that are imprisoned without the luxuries that I have. To be able to beg for forgiveness, and then talk like the friends we used to has been enough to heal my heart.

I've also gone out to visit my brother's grave. The second I lay eyes on his name, I burst into tears. Once I get my emotions under control, I start to talk to him like he's there. Like he can actually hear me on the other side. We've been inseparable, even when he joined the military that I vehemently opposed. Even when Zero and Infinity were taking over the revolution and I had to lie to him. I've always wanted to be with my brother, and now I can't do that. Now I'll never get to share all the great memories that I hope will come after this horrible time.

I'm not alone in this world though. There are still people that love and care for me. They hope I'll one day be able to be free, that we'll all be free, of this tyranny. It feels strange to think we've all gotten used to this world under Lelouch, but there has to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

"Ah, there you are, my blossom," Lelouch's voice pulls me away from the book I have been trying to read for the past couple of hours.

"I've been in here all day," I put my bookmark into the crease before closing the book. The library my only place of comfort, so I find myself here more days than not.

"You've been spending a lot of time in here recently," he takes a seat next to me on the couch.

"I have no one to talk to, so I might as well try to read," I barely turn my head to be able to see him.

Lelouch, always in his emperor suit, looks tired. He looks like all of this is wearing him down, and I'd can't help but feel sorry for him. The man that has me shackled like a criminal and not the woman he is constantly saying he loves.

"You can always talk to me. I'm always available to listen to you."

"Why did you come here, Lelouch?" I fully look at him. "What do you want with me? Are you going to show me off to some people? Or maybe you want to hold me to make you feel better?"

"Do you not believe that I love you and am trying to make you as comfortable as possible through all this?"

"I'm shackled!" I hold up my arms. "I'd rather be in a cell than like this! Why do I get to be treated differently when I flipped sides too!"

"Because I love you," he pulls a key out of his pocket. "I came to get you because we have someone to go meet, and you'll understand everything once we talk to them." He unlocks the cuffs around my wrists. "You won't be chained up when we see them, and I want you to know that it has pained me to have to do this to you. Even if I give special treatment to you, you still are a prisoner after opposing me."

"That was the plan," I grumble, rubbing my wrists. The only time they aren't cuffed is when I bathe, so this is wonderful.

"Sometimes plans change," he slides off the couch to unlock the cuffs on my ankles. He pulls the metal off my ankles, rubbing his hands over the sensitive skin. "You're still beautiful, even when you hate me."

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