Crashing A Banquet

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The Chinese Federation has been an alliance of nations boasting the largest population in the world since as long as I can remember. However, I have always known it to be like an old man when it comes to areas that matter. The symbol of their alliance is a young girl. The Empress Tianzi that is too young to even be thinking about anything the Chinese Federation makes her learn about. Her childhood is being taken from her, and I am someone who understands that more than anything.

There is also the ruling class, which is controlling society from within her shadow with a tyrannical hold that they never want to let go. Poverty and stagnation have sapped the light and life from the people of this nation. I've seen it over and over again when I dwell too long on the federation. This is where the Black Knights have sought refuge now that we have fled Japan.

The High Eunuchs, the most powerful men at the time, have lent the Japanese people the man-made island of Horai. This island was built for tidal power generation of the Jiangsu Providence off the coast of the Yellow Sea. The arrangement was worked out well in advance, with my political input when needed. The implications of this deal are slowly going to reveal themselves as everything settles into place.

As for now, I am looking out a window as kids rush around the streets with their belongings in their arms. My mask has been off since the shore of Japan disappeared, but the Infinity dress has remained on as I've had no time to change.

The room contains Kallen, Zero, and Diethard along with me. The Britannian man has been giving updates to us, but all I can hear are the giggles and screams from the kids below. A pang spreading through my heart as past me longs to run through the streets with them.

"We've finished picking out staff leader candidates," Diethard's voice finally snaps me out of my trance. "Should we assign them to the Ikaruga for now?"

"Yes," Lelouch answers. "That leaves us with the municipal leaders."

I look over to see Kallen at the computer in the room. It feels odd to be so close to her, but we are in completely different spheres.

"Correct," Diethard says. "Let's work with the intelligence section and get that set up. Now then, if you'll excuse me." His footsteps fade away as the door hisses shut.

Kallen looks up, locking eyes with me. "Are we sure that we can trust Diethard? He acts on his own, like he did with Sayako."

"I've thought the same thing," I look over at Lelouch as he steps up to the counter full of buttons that I have little idea of what they do. "Except, I always come back to trusting him because his motives make sense. Britannia have branded him a wanted man, so he's not selling us out to them."

Lelouch closes the windows to the room with a single button press. "On the contrary, he's easy to read."

"Huh?" Kallen mumbles.

He takes the Zero mask off, holding it in his hand. "In that man's mind, he's trying to turn Zero into a symbol for God, and Infinity into a sort of lover. Going from there, you can guess what actions he'll take."

"He also has quite the talent of manipulating information," I shrug my cape off my shoulders, folding it as I walk over to place it down on open counterspace. "Granted, he's been doing that for a long time with making Britannia and all the royals look greater than they truly are."

Lelouch steps up to me, running a hand over my side before setting his mask next to my cape. "No comment on being my lover," he whispers.

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