Rescuing Prisoners of War

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After a fitful night's sleep wondering how Lelouch is going to pull off the rescue of all the captured Black Knights, I am now standing in the middle of the crowd that is waiting outside the execution area not far from the Chinese Consulate building. All of them crying out for Zero to come save their people. For Infinity to give them the hope they so desperately need. They just have to hold on for a few more minutes.

I turn, nudging my way out of the crowd. The one they are pleading for to arrive will be waiting for me not that far away.

After the panic at the mall, we were able to meet up with the others outside and explain where we had gone. I told them I was walking back with the pretzels when the alarm went off, and I panicked before running out with everyone else. Rolo said he was scared his brother had been roped into something stupid, so that is why he ran off. Lelouch said he was going to prank those that were spying on him and Shirley, and it would have worked perfectly if the alarm hadn't sounded. They believed our stories, and then it was time to head back to campus. Lelouch and Rivalz needed to make a stop at the police station to pick up Rivalz's lost motorcycle, so they split up from the rest of us. Rolo asked me to have dinner with him since Lelouch would be late, and I agreed only to see if I could get any other information out of him. We barely said anything to each other, so that was a total failure.

This morning, I met up with Lelouch in his room. He was trying on various outfits of his, which I teased him endlessly for. That's probably how I ended up forced into one of his button-up shirts with the reddest cheeks from all the kisses he planted on my face. I know that I shouldn't mess with him with the brain he has, but sometimes I can't help it. While I recovered on his couch, he spent some time looking certain information up on his laptop. Before I realized it, our time to head out and save the Black Knights had come.

"Nice butt," I tease as I walk into the woods where Lelouch is changing from the common soldier suit into his Zero outfit. He's working on pulling his pants up, and nothing is covering his torso.

He looks back at me, "I knew you'd come back right when I was in the middle. Are we even now?"

I chuckle, "Oh, not even close, but this is a step in the right direction." I walk over to a bush, starting to strip out of my clothes to put my outfit on.

"But then you just go ahead do that without warning," he looks away, but I noticed the red on his cheeks.

"You're the one who kept looking. Now hurry up, we're on a tight schedule. Got a lot of our people to save."

It doesn't take much longer for us to fully change, and then we are climbing onto the old Burai that he's kept hidden away for a moment like this. He's standing where the seat is while I sit near the head. Without a single person noticing that we are there, we move in behind the crowd.

"Elevens," Guilford announces to those watching. "The Zero and Infinity you have believed in have not appeared. It has all been a deception. I challenged him to a fair and honest duel, and he has skulked away like a coward! Take aim."

"You're mistaken, Guilford!" I call out, announcing our presence to everyone here. "And so very wrong!"

"I see, you snuck up behind me!" Guilford turns his Knightmare to face us. "Infinity! Zero!"

"Guilford, those aren't terrorists your executing," Lelouch speaks up now. "They're the Black Knights. Soldiers of the army of the United States of Japan."

"You expect me to recognize them as prisoners of war?"

"Yes, that is what we are asking," I wave my hand out, and the Burai begins the journey forward. "Remember, politics are my specialty."

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