Out to Sea

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"I'd tell you not to turn around, but at this point, I don't even care about what you see," I begin to unbutton my school uniform shirt. "I mean, I care in a way, but you've already seen me in the tub, so at this point nothing matters. Ugh, I mean, it still matters because I still care what you think of me. Gah! What I meant to say is that if we ever get married, we'll see each other because married couples do things, but don't think of those things right now! What is wrong with me?" I groan.

Lelouch chuckles, placing the communicating device for the submarine the Black Knights are trapped in on his ear. "You're beautiful, my blossom, and also the biggest dork that I know. All the more reason to love you as much as I do. I still have to change once I get this situation under control," he holds a map up.

"Do you really think I'll sneak a glance?" I shiver as a breeze from the ocean below us runs over me while we stand on the cliffside.

"I won't stop you," he shrugs.

I feel my cheeks heat up, trying to focus on getting my Infinity dress on as quickly as possible. "I'm just glad to see you like this again. It has only been a few days of you being out of it, but I thought for a moment that it was going to be permanent. When your memories were taken from you, I knew one day that hold would be broken, but this was a lot different than that."

"Kallen slapped some sense into me, literally."

I chuckle, "I'm sure you deserved it."

"I did, and I should have talked to you more. You're the one I always say I trust more than anyone, yet I ran away from you when it got tough."

"I let you run away, so part of that is my fault. It led us back to where we belong, though."

He taps his earpiece, "Q-1, do you read me? Q-1! Your instructions, fifty degrees down trim. Head for point L-14. Crash dive, full ahead!"

I grin, settling my cape on my shoulders. This is the Lelouch that I always want to see.

"Fire all torpedoes to detonate dead ahead! Set detonators for forty seconds." He folds the map up.

"Damn Lulu," I tease. "You're so much more attractive when you take charge like this."

He glances back at me with a smirk. "Once the anchors are secure, all hands brace for shock!" With his orders given, he takes the earpiece off and fully turns to me. "More attractive, huh?"

"As much as I love the calm and collected Lelouch, there's something about how your voice hardens in moments like this," I motion around us, "that I love a little bit more. In fact, I've told you before, but life has been chaotic as of late."

"No, I remember," he opens the briefcase at his feet, pulling out his Zero suit. "I just like to hear you say it. The girl everyone thinks is sweet and innocent, but I know that isn't the full truth." He begins to strip, and I turn around as my cheeks burst with heat once more.

"I know that this is a serious moment, and that we are going out to save the Black Knights from my brother being a prick, but I wanted to thank you for bringing me out to see the ocean tonight. It was the perfect lie for the others, but I let myself believe for a second that it was more than just a plan." I toss my mask between my hands. "For a second I imagined it as a date, which I miss going on with you."

"We had that picnic, but I promised you that I would be better, so hold me to that once we have a moment to breathe. I'll take you on some kind of date. I'll figure something out."

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