Emperor Lelouch

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A whole month has passed since Lelouch killed his parents in C's World. An entire month of planning the next step with Lelouch and Suzaku. It feels strange to have completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Only interacting with a couple of people while the world keeps moving forward without me. I can't help but wonder how all the people I left behind are faring.

"There's my empress," Lelouch coos as he walks into the room. His school uniform a sight for sore eyes.

"I prefer blossom," I tease, looking over my school uniform that I had forgotten all about. "You're not serious about making me the empress, are you? I don't think that I'm cut out for that sort of them. I'm more a prime minister, am I not?"

"You are," he places his hands on my waist, pulling me close enough to press a kiss to me lips. "I need you to be my empress for a little while."

"I guess I can do that," I chuckle, pressing a kiss to his lips. "It has been nice, spending this past month with you, Lelouch. I know that we had a fight before, but this month really helped."

"I'm glad," he grins, resting his forehead on mine. "I'd pushed you to the side too many times, and I kept a few too many secrets when it came to you. It felt good to have a whole month where nothing could take my attention away from you."

"Only when we needed to discuss the plan," I run my hand up his chest. "Neither of us can change the past, but I wouldn't change a thing anyways. I got to spend a whole month with you," I hum. "If I didn't know better, I'd think that one night was a ploy to make sure I stay at your side."

"Did it work?"

I giggle, "You made me question if your stamina was actually as low as you've made it out to be. I wasn't going to leave anyways, but I'm not complaining."

"You're beautiful," he lifts his head up. "We better head out so I don't miss letting them all know."

"I've always liked when you take charge," I tease.

"Gah, I love you," he presses one last kiss to my lips before grabbing my hand and tugging me out.

The Pendragon Imperial Palace is not a place that I ever thought that I would be. Especially not on the arm of Lelouch vi Britannia as we plan to stand in front of the other members of the royal family while we declare the situation to them and the whole world. Even after all I've been through, the nerves are bursting within me.

"I'm Japanese, Lelouch," I take a steading breath as we await the introduction to walk into the room. "Are you sure this is okay?"

"You're mine, and that is all that matters. I want you to stand by my side. Don't worry about anything. I'm always going to protect you."

"Presenting his Imperial Majesty!" a guard announces, and then some horns are played as Lelouch and I walk into the throne room.

The crowd explodes in murmurs. I can hear the shock of seeing Lelouch, and the disgust of me hanging on his arm. There are confused outrages of where Emperor Charles.

I feel my heartrate pick up, but I don't let my fear show on my face. Not to these people.

Lelouch takes a seat on the throne while I stay standing at his side. Both of us looking out at the crowd of royals that I had to learn about mere days ago. Royals that hate me because of my blood, but I won't let them scare me.

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