The Final Battle

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"I'm surprised that you aren't with the emperor in the Shinkirō, Sakura," Cecile says.

"Well, my brother is the one who's always been the fighter," I answer, crossing my legs as I get comfortable in the throne on the Avalon's command center. Arthur is sitting right next to me on the armrest. "The only reason that I would insist to be with Lelouch in a Knightmare is because I wanted to be close with him. Also, I wanted to feel like I was doing something."

"A Knightmare was made for you though."

"The Blossom was never meant to be a fighting Knightmare, and I only ever thought that I would pilot it one time. I'm a politician, and my place is in some board room discussing treaties and whatnot. That's why I stayed in here today."

"I understand," she nods.

"Do you think that the wish you made from folding a thousand cranes will ever come true?" Sayoko asks as she steps up next to me. Not even critical injuries can keep her from watching this unfold.

"I think that it can," I take a deep breath. "I didn't make the wish though. When I finished the last crane, I gave the wish to Nunnally. She's the one who made a wish, and I wonder if she still thinks about it."

"I'm sure that she does."

In the next few moments, all the Britannia troops are in place to fight back against our enemies. Lelouch is standing in the open hatch of the Shinkirō, and I can see the Lancelot Albion nearby. I never knew how many people Lelouch had under his control, but this really puts it all into perspective.

"This battle is the ultimate test," Lelouch declares, a large saber in one of his hands. "Control of the entire world is at stake! If we defeat Schneizel and the Black Knights, then there will be no one left to stand in our way! This world shall be destroyed and then recreated by Lelouch, the one true emperor of Britannia! Crush them! Destroy Schneizel and the sky fortress Damocles! Crush them all! We have nothing to fear! My name," he holds the saber up in front of him before slashing it across the air a few times., "is the future of the world!"

"All hail Lelouch," I mumble, watching as Lelouch settles back into the Shinkirō and flies back into the Avalon. "All hail."

A minute passes before Lelouch enters the room. He motions for me to stands up, and I grab Arthur before obeying his order. He plops down in the throne, sending a video transmission to Schneizel that instantly gets accepted.

"Official greetings, Schneizel," Lelouch says.

"Lelouch, if you're going to surrender, now is the time," Schneizel says. "I'm sure that your little lover has advised that for you, since we have an arsenal of F.L.E.I.J.A.s ready to launch."

I scratch Arthur right behind the ears, hoping her purr will help calm me down from the news Lelouch is about to reveal.

"F.L.E.I.J.A.s? I wonder if you dare to use them, considering that I have all the U.F.N. representatives aboard the Avalon with me. So, Schneizel, those people are from all over the world. They're not related to you."

"You're right, they're not," Schneizel says. "Their lives are a small price to pay."

"Schneizel, you can't attack!" Xingke breaks into the call.

"I understand that the U.F.N. members have elected acting representatives to speak for them."

"We're prepared for the worst, and we know how dire this is, but that doesn't mean we're going to throw their lives away on a gamble!"

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