Cupid Day

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"You'd think that I would recognize more of these girls, but I really don't know who over half of them are," I shake my head as countless girl's photos appear on the screen. I have my knees pulled to my chest as I sit in one of the office chairs next to Lelouch messing with a chess board. Villetta is on the other side of the table close to the screen, while Sayoko is near here in a chair, and Rolo is standing next to Lelouch. "And somehow they all love my boyfriend."

"Love isn't the word I would use," Rolo sighs.

"It doesn't matter what word we use, because today is Cupid Day so I will be ending my relationship with all the girls today," Lelouch forcefully places the king piece back on the chessboard.

"That will leave you free and in the clear."

"Surprisingly, we were able to get the teachers involved in the event," I say.

"Huh?" Villetta looks back at us.

"That means you could steal Lelouch's hat from him, Miss Villetta," I tease.

"Wouldn't that just invite weird misunderstandings? Why don't the two of you dramatically steal each other's hats or something? Plus, I think Sayoko needs to take some responsibility here-"

"Sorry, but I can't help," Sayoko speaks up, looking over at her. "I have to play stand-in during the event for Master Lelouch."

"If Lelouch and I swap hats too quickly or in front of too many people, then it will be a bit too suspicious," I respond. "Though, once some time has passed, I will be swapping my hat with his," I goofily smile to myself.

"We have to make sure that some strange girl doesn't get it!" Rolo blurts out.

"You'll have to make sure that Shirley doesn't take it before you," Villetta says. "That girl is completely head-over-heels for you."

The smile falls from my lips as Shirley's photo largens on the screen. "If only she understood that dating Lelouch isn't all the thinks it would be."

"What is that supposed to me?" Lelouch grabs the arm of my chair and pulls me closer. "Actually, don't answer that right now."

"She shot me in order to protect you," Villetta says. "It would have been interesting to know how she would have reacted to seeing you right by his side as Infinity, Sakura."

"That's why I don't want her mixed up in this any more than she already is," Lelouch places his hand on my knee. "Before the day is over, I will have swapped hats with my girlfriend, and it will be like we weren't gone for two weeks."

"Unless I decide to swap hats with that Gino boy," I tease, pressing my lips to his fingers. "He's a little too peppy and outgoing for me though. A good chunk of girls are going to be chasing after him."

"I think a couple of boys will be after you, Sakura, so don't let your guard down," Villetta says. "If your hat is taken, then you can switch with Lelouch later."

"I can get out of many situations, so don't worry about me. Once I feel the time is right, I am going to find Lelouch and take his hat. Even if I have to use a little Geass to get it over to me."

"We better get back to the surface before they start getting suspicious of where we could be," Rolo says.

"I'll be at the back gate keeping watch," Villetta says.

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