A Bad Call

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"Milly should be back at school now, but she's missed almost as much time as us, so she won't have noticed anything off about our replacements," I tap my toes together, looking around the interior of the Shinkirō. The only thing protecting us from the ocean are the thick metal walls. "It is strange, thinking that someone went to my classes, slept in my bed, and talked with the student council."

"You'll have to read through a file that they created that documents what you missed," Lelouch says. "A diary of sorts. With how simple you made your life, I'm sure it won't be anything crazy you'll have to remember. The mission was to act like us. That couldn't have been too hard."

"They would have had to make split-second decisions at times. I don't doubt that they did a great job, but anything could have happened. Maybe the two of us broke up."

"And why would that have happened?"

I shrug, "Any number of reasons. Not that it is very plausible, considering you're the only boy I can ever fathom loving as much as I do. Still, Sayoko and the girl who replaced me must have had a hard time acting as a couple, so maybe some rumors started to spread. This is just a hypothetical, of course."

"We'll fix any problems that they made. If there is any. There's nothing to worry about."

"I know," I sigh. "Maybe I just need so more sleep."

"Too bad you'll have to sleep in your dorm starting tonight. I'll miss you curling into my side. I'll miss just having you close."

"Being next to you at night revealed visions constantly, which I actually missed having. It will suck not being able to wake up and spill that information instantly to you."

"We'll figure it out. We'll figure everything out."

It isn't much longer that we reach the secret underground escape route that we can easily utilize when needed. Without a Knightmare, it is impossible for a person to follow us, as the hole we emerge from is many meters down into the ocean before the tunnel exits into the sea.

"Welcome home, brother!" Rolo smiles as the Shinkirō opens to reveal Lelouch and I within. "Welcome home to you as well, Sakura."

"It's good to see you Rolo," I smile. "I'm sure you've worked hard in our absence."

"Sayoko, did anything change while I was away on this mission?" Lelouch asks.

"Nothing of immediate concern," Sayako says, but the voice modulator on the mask she is wearing makes her sound just like Lelouch. Since we have returned, she removes the mask and wig to reveal she is still the Sayoko that I remember. "I noted all the details in the designated file."

The girl that has taken my place has been directed to stay in one of the secret rooms beneath the school, meaning I won't see my 'clone' now that I have returned to school. It would have been too freaky so see me like that and not in a mirror's reflection. I'm hoping that she'll be able to return to the other Black Knights, but everything is up in the air at the moment.

"Great," I stand up, my backpack in one hand. "Oh, it feels so good to be able to stand and stretch my legs."

"I'd offer to help you out, but with your ability, that would be pointless," Rolo says.

"I would have accepted help from you, Rolo," I giggle, using my Geass to make jumping to the platform a bit easier by floating a bit. "It is so good to see you again," I ruffle the boys hair.

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