Little Fairy

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"I'm a bit surprised that you wanted to be with me in my Knightmare," Lelouch taps his fingers over my thigh. Both of us in our full gear as helicopters are flying our group of Knightmares out to the Britannian airships. "I never meant to scare you last night like I did, blossom. Seeing fear in your eyes like that hurts me."

"I have always been with you in your Knightmare no matter what, and that isn't going to change," I shift around to settle into the most comfortable position between his legs. "Everyone gets angry, it just shocked me more coming from you. At how easily it could have been directed at me if I said the wrong thing."

"I would never direct it at you. Never."

"I've always trusted you more than anyone else in my life. Life is just a lot different this time around. I just needed to hear you say it."

"I trust you, my blossom. Probably the only person I can tell the truth to, and the only person I know will tell me the truth if I ask for it. Unless it involves me in a vision. That is off limits."

I chuckle, "No point worrying about a future you can't change. Now, are we almost there? I'm not used to wearing my mask for this damn long."

He chuckles, "That might be the cutest complaint you've given about the uniform." He pushes a few buttons to reveal that we have arrived in range of Nunnally's transport.

"They'll spot us in the next few seconds, so you better remind everyone the goal for today."

Lelouch turns the communication to the Knightmares in our fleet on. "The objective of this operation is the capture of the new viceroy! No matter what happens, she absolutely must not be harmed! Keep her safe! Is that clear!?"

"Roger!" the Black Knights respond back.

A few Britannian small planes reveal themselves, shooting down one of our units. Then smoke is released as a distraction to the commander of the ship. It is easy to predict that that smoke will take their attention, and so while they aren't looking, Tohdoh is the first to land and begin to take out turrets. Kallen lands next to begin fighting the enemy as well. Then all the Knightmares drop on the airships to do their tasks. In the blur of smoke and exploding devices, those piloting the helicopters that brought us over here begin to withdraw. With all the fighting going on, no one notices a single Knightmare holding the leaders of the Black Knights making their way into the airship. No one notices Zero and Infinity about to steal away the princess.

"You have no idea where she is?" Lelouch asks as we make our way down a hallway.

"All I got of Nunnally in that one vision was a garden," I shrug. "I'm not sure what that means, but I know how much she loves gardens. That's why she's my little fairy."

"You had to go a whole year without seeing her, and I had her completely taken from me. We have been apart for too long."

"I'm sure she's still as cute and lovely as ever."

He holds out his arm to stop us as a door opens in front of us to reveal a couple panicking doctors. Without hesitation, he opens his masks over his Geass eye, "Die!"

I look away as the two men pull out their guns to shoot themselves. A pair of Britannian soldiers already dead behind us. "I'll never get used to that."

His hand grabs mine, gently tugging me to keep making our way forward. "Are you saying that you feel sad for the death of people who took everything away from you?"

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