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"Anything out of the ordinary?" I ask, lying in the middle of the table in the student council room as Lelouch looks through the photo album on his laptop.

"Nina is gone, and I can't find Arthur anywhere," Lelouch answers, clicking through the photos.

"Suzaku took Arthur with him. She still hates him, but that was never going to change. That cat has her mind set on hatred for him, but maybe that has changed since they must spend all kinds of time together."

"I never knew she was a she."

"I didn't either, and with a name like Arthur, I didn't really think anything of it until I realized that would be a big deal if she needed taken to the vet, so I figured it out."

"Any information about Nina?"

"She's with Llyod, I think. She was smart enough to graduate early, that I know for sure. Where she went after, I can only speculate. She took a great deal of liking towards the goofy scientists, but I don't know how much they stayed in touch."

"I see," he hums.

"I'm just glad she's gone," I sigh. "It was clear that Suzaku and I made her uncomfortable, but I can't change who I am. I can't become someone that I'm not." I run a hand through my bangs, frustrated that I'm even thinking about her. "Whatever, enough about her. I won't see her again, and she doesn't deserve to occupy any space in my mind."

"What's up?" Rolo's voice shuts down the conversation Lelouch and I were having. "Why are you looking through album? Hey, that's the student council marathon dance file, isn't it?"

"Hey Rolo," I sit up, leaning back on my hands as I place a warm smile on my face.

"Oh, hey Sakura," he flashes a smile back.

"You know the Prez," Lelouch sits up straighter, pouring on the positive vibes. "She likes to run us ragged with all these events."

"Oh, that's the broken heart contest."

"Talk about sad irony. The Prez stomps on Rivalz heart and then presents him with the trophy for winning." He chuckles, but the air in the room has changed.

I scoot closer to the edge of the table, setting my sock-clad feet down on a chair.

"Weird how you happened to escape," Rolo stares down at his brother.

"Hm?" Lelouch looks up at Rolo by barely turning his head.

"You heard the news, didn't you? Our military had Babel Tower completely surrounded. So how did you do it? How did you manage to get passed them?"

"What are you talking about, Rolo? Did you want to know how I got away from the military, or did you mean to say terrorists?"

He lets out a small gasp.

"I took an emergency corridor. I tried to call you, but my cell wouldn't work in that particular area."

"I see," his hand grips the phone in his hand tighter.

"I'm just glad that both of you boys are safe," I shift around, feeling the tension thickening around us. "I was in a panic when I remembered you had gone there to gamble by playing chess. There's nothing to worry about now."

Lelouch's hand clenches on his thigh as he lifts his eyes up from the locket hanging from Rolo's phone. "Rolo, give me that locket," he holds up his other hand.

Power of the Kings: Round TwoWhere stories live. Discover now