Cooking with the Student Council

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"Like this, Rivalz," I hold the potato in my hand, using the small knife in my other to effortlessly peal the vegetable. "There's a technique to get all the potato skin off in one piece."

"Where did you learn to cook like this, Sakura?" Rivalz asks, copying my moves.

"Well, I tried to learn a lot of different things when I was younger. Politics aren't the only thing that I am good at, but it is what I am most passionate about, I guess you could say. I had a lot of pressure on my shoulders when my father noticed that I was taking a liking to everything that I was doing. He didn't let me sit in on meetings or anything like that, but he pushed certain papers and things like that my way behind everyone's back. When I wasn't studying those, I was helping out making meals with those in the kitchen. Everyone should know how to cook a little bit," I chuckle.

Once I make it back to campus yesterday, Shirley was all over me making sure that I wasn't hurt in anyway. Luckily, Lelouch had kept me safe in the Knightmare, so I had to injuries to try and hide. All I had to do was explain the trains weren't running on time due to the attack, and there was some paperwork I had to file out in order to quit my job. She believed every word that came out of my mouth.

When I was able to go check on Lelouch, since it would make sense that he told me he would be at the tower that was attacked, he was lounging on his bed looking beyond tired. He explained he was making up P.E. classes, and that skipping all those classes was biting him in the ass like I said they would. But they also were helping him have an alibi for when Zero returned. Regardless, I settle in next to him on his bed, curling into his side and reveling in his presence. In the return of the real him.

"Then why aren't you helping me?" Lelouch teases.

"Because I love watching you in that cute little pink apron, and I'm making sure that you are cut out to be good stay-at-home husband," I giggle.

He rolls his eyes, turning back to the stove where he's cooking a slab of meat.

"You do look so cute in that apron, Lelouch," Rivalz chuckles.

"Shut it, Rivalz."

I giggle, "Only I'm allowed to tease him like that, Rivalz. He could never get seriously mad at me."

"That's true," Rivalz grabs another potato to peel.

"Lelouch, open the oven," Milly orders as she is icing a cake.

"Yeah, yeah," Lelouch says, opening the oven and pulling out the dish.

"Some salt."

He puts a dash of salt in the stew on the stove.

"Frying pan."

He flips the meat in the skillet.

"A fresh egg."

He cracks an egg into a mixing bowl.

"Béchamel sauce!"

He mixes the ladle in the pot of white sauce.

"Put the gelato on another plate. Oh, and add the rosemary to the sorbet. Then add the dill to the sauerkraut. The black forest cake-"

"I can't do this by myself," Lelouch frustratingly blurts out. "Why do you keep asking only me to help with it all? Sakura just stated she was good at cooking, so force her over here no matter what she says."

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