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The student council room isn't the place that I want to be right now after the events of last night, but obligations have to be met when going to an academy. I'm not even sure what we are doing, other than looking through boxes of random objects to find something of use.

Once the submarine made it back to shore last night, Lelouch and I snuck back to school without any trouble. He even dropped me off at my dorm room, pulling me into a hug where he held me for a few minutes mumbling about how much he cares, trusts, and loves me. After everything that has been going on, it was the reassurance that I needed to stick by his side and keep pushing forward with our plan. When he eventually broke the hug, I gave him a soft kiss before entering my room.

Instantly I was met with Shirley asking all kinds of questions about where I had been all day, which was easy to answer as I had been with Lelouch all day. I made up some lie about us talking about what we want to do after school, and really just relaxing in each other's presence. Then I went to my desk to check out the news, and I was bombarded with Nunnally's arrival everywhere. Right next to her side in every picture and clip was Suzaku. The tides of the battle have turned, but not in the way we hoped.

"Look at this!" Shirley blurts out, causing me to look over at the girl searching through a box with Rivalz. "It says this temple was built a thousand years ago."

"That's great," Rivalz quickly says. "Have you seen the water pistols? I got one for everyone, but I can't find 'em."

I am sitting at the computer desk next to Lelouch as he watches the news on Nunnally like he's been doing all day. My head rests on his upper arm as I mess with the skirt of my uniform.

"Hey, what's all this stuff, Prez?" Rolo asks as he steps up to Milly looking through a box.

"Some nets, candles, wigs, fireworks, and a tambourine," Milly answers.

"Um, so are those for our class trip?"

"Just leave it to me! This will be my second time, y'know?"

"Oh, um, right."

A quick silence hangs over the room as they all look over at Lelouch and I, but I know that they are looking at Lelouch. Up until about half-an-hour ago, I was helping bring in boxes to look through, acting like everything was jolly and well.

"What's wrong, Lulu?" Shirley asks. "Sakura, what's got your boyfriend all pouty?"

"Huh?" Lelouch mumbles, turning his head to look back at everyone.

"You just seem sort of down," she softly smiles.

"I noticed it this morning, actually," I lift my head off his arm. "I thought maybe you were tired, but I don't know anymore."

"No, I'm fine," Lelouch flashes a smile for a second. "Just a slow start to the day, I guess."

"Can't sleep 'cause you're thinking about how much fun the trip will be?" Rivalz asks with a grin.

"You're correct. Yeah, I'm excited about it."

"Lulu, you're just like a little boy," Shirley bursts into giggle.

"Oh, I don't know if that is quite true," I whisper, chuckling as Lelouch pinches my side.

The intercom dings to life, getting us all to look up at the ceiling for the announcement. "Attention all students. The inauguration speech of the new viceroy of Area 11 is about to begin. Please assemble in the auditorium."

Power of the Kings: Round TwoWhere stories live. Discover now