Slow Dancing

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"You really caused a lot of problems today, Arthur," I barely smile, scratching right behind her ears. "A lot could have been destroyed if your antics revealed a certain girl. It was a lot of fun though. You made today a lot better."

With Suzaku and Lelouch up on the roof talking about something that I wasn't invited to be a part of, I've taken a spot on the grass hill a distance from the large group of students dancing. I can see Rivalz pouting as Milly is dancing with Gino, and he is dancing with some random girl. It is sad to see him so head over heels for the girl, but she will never return those feelings. My heart hurts that Lelouch didn't even think to ask for me to save him a dance once he gets back. I'm glad that he's back to the real him, but I miss how the fake him would do all kinds of relationship things with me. Those kinds of ideas are the last thing on his mind.

After I got Kallen and C.C. out of the school safely, I went back down to the festival that had attempted to start back up again. I somehow found Suzaku with two of his Knight of the Round friends, where my brother kindly introduced me. The first, Gino Weinberg, was the one piloting the Knightmare that caused all the trouble. He is energetic, optimistic, and a bit shortsighted when it comes to making decisions. He's a year younger than Suzaku and I, but at least a head taller than my brother and quite muscular. He has blond hair with three braids that he kept draped over his shoulder and bright blue eyes. As the Knight of Three, I was expecting someone a lot more serious, but I got a younger noble boy that lifted me up in a big hug the second we were introduced.

The other person was a girl three years younger, and a bit surprisingly the Knight of Six. Anya Alstreim is the exact opposite of Gino as a rather stoic, deadpan, and uninterested teen girl. It made me wonder if something has happened to her since becoming a Knight of the Round that makes her this depressed. She's about my height with a pale complexion, light pink hair in a pony tale with thick strands falling on either side of her face along with bangs, and rouge-red eyes. The whole time we were being introduced, she had a small device out to record the entire interaction. She must have trouble remembering little details, or she might have had her memories altered like many people I know. Either way, I want to get to know her more.

"I never thought I would have this many friends," I chuckle. "Kind of strange to think of how much I've grown since last year. You're grown a lot too, Arthur," I scratch right under her chin. "Euphy would be so thrilled to see you. I hope that she is happy wherever she is." Once all of this is over, my first goal will be to find the girl and apologize for all the hell she was put through.

"Sorry that you had to watch over Arthur, Sakura," Suzaku's voice makes me jump a bit as I look to the side where my brother is standing. "Was she good?"

"For me, always," I giggle.

Arthur stands up, walking over to rub up against his legs. She's an angel to my brother only when she wants to be.

"I never got to tell you how pretty you look earlier, but I do think you look super pretty. A lot different than when we were little. I never appreciated those times enough, so I really tried to soak this in today."

"Thanks, Suzaku, that means a lot coming from my barely older big brother," I chuckle.

"Lelouch should be coming down soon. He was right behind me, but you know how he is."

"Even I passed him today, and this yukata isn't easy to run in."

"I hope that the two of you can get a dance in. I'll go see if Shirley would like to dance. Come on Arthur," he pats my head as he walks away.

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