The Democratic Way

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I stir awake as Lelouch gives my shoulder a gentle shake.

"We're almost arrived, my blossom," Lelouch presses a kiss to my temple. "I hope that you got enough sleep."

I blink a couple times before fully opening my eyes. A yawn slipping past my lips as I wiggle to sit up straighter. "All snuggled into your side? It was an amazing sleep."

"You were whimpering at one point," he fixes my tiara. "Was that a bad vision?"

"I don't even remember," I lie, not wanting to talk about the horrible vision I've been having every night since he became emperor. "I remember dreaming, but I don't remember anything bad happening. Is my dress still presentable?"

"You're beautiful. I made sure you didn't move around too much, so you don't even look like you were asleep. You look like my blossom."

"Thank you," I hum, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You'll hold my hand when we step off the plane?"

"Of course. I want everyone to see that we are together. Even if they think it is an act, I want to show you off."

I giggle, "Are you worrying about what other people think about us? After you told me not to worry about what they think of me?"

"No, no, I just know how they think," he lets out a breath.

"The two of you acting like that remind me that you really are just a teenage couple," C.C. speaks up from her seat next to us across the small aisle.

"We're eighteen, but it doesn't feel like it," I sigh. "I've aged so much this past year."

The plane jolts once before it comes to a stop, and then Lelouch and I are standing up. Once the front opens, and the ramp touches the ground, Lelouch grabs my hand, and we make our way out.

Kallen is walking towards us before stopping a fair distance away. There are Black Knights stationed all over the place, and riot shields keep the civilians from rushing at us.

"It's Lelouch, the emperor for justice!" a young woman calls out.

Lelouch softly smiles, waving to the crowd.

"Her highness is even prettier in person," some girl calls out. "She's so lucky!"

I feel my cheeks burst with heat as I give a small wave to the crowd.

"He's just a kid," a man grunts out.

"Lelouch!" Rivalz's voice cuts through all the others.

I look to see the boy at the top of the riot shields, and I stop myself from calling out to him.

Lelouch stutters to a stop.

"I need to know the truth, Lelouch! Why didn't you ever tell me who you were!? Ahh!" Rivalz screams as a couple Black Knights pull him down. "Hey, let me go!"

"You're disrespecting the emperor," one of the men snaps.

"We're friends! I'm friends with both of them. He used to be my best friend in school here! He was!"

Lelouch looks away, getting us to start walking towards Kallen again.

"Sakura! Hey! Lelouch!"

A Black Knight raises a baton, but a girl swoops in to save Rivalz from being knocked out. That is when I look away to focus back on the task at hand.

Power of the Kings: Round TwoWhere stories live. Discover now