The Return of Zero

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Two Knightmares crash through the ceiling; one of them being the Guren Mk-II and the other a Holy Sword customized Gekka. Both of them bowing for the return of their leader.

"The world has to change, so I will change it," Lelouch firmly states.

"We've been waiting for you, master Zero!" Urabe calls out. "Please, give us your orders."

"Very well. Because after all, I am Zero!" He waves his free arm in front of us, and then out to his side. "I am the one who will crush the world, and the one who will recreate the world anew."

"Go and help the others!" I order. "We'll need time to get a layout of the building, and then we can turn the tides in our favor!"

"Yes, mistress Infinity," Urabe replies, and then him and Kallen are rushing off.

"That was hot," Lelouch chuckles, pulling his arm away from me and walking over to where the dead baron lies. "You've taken my place while I've been gone, haven't you?"

"With the help of C.C., yes," I nod, letting my cape fall open as no one else should be running into us. "I'm not just a little politician anymore."

"She's done a lot in order to make this day possible," C.C. steps up to me. "Like be a bunny in that casino." She takes her index finger to turn my face to look at her. Then her lips press softly to mine, sending a heat straight to my cheeks. "Do you feel better?"

"I didn't think you'd actually do it," I squeal.

"You should know better than that."

I look back at Lelouch as he picks up the notebook that holds everything about him. "Burn that, please. I can't believe the things that must be in there about the two of us. It makes me sick."

"All the ones that know about that are dead now," Lelouch flips through the book. "I was defeated, by the old me. By Suzaku. And by my biggest enemy," he gasps, as if a memory is replaying right before his eyes. "He dragged me before the Britannian Emperor, and that man took everything away from me. All he left was a single blossom to placate me."

"My brother stabbed me in the back right along with you," I take a deep breath. "He betrayed me like I never thought he would. I miss her every single day," I blink the tears away. "I'm sorry, Lelouch."

"C.C.," Lelouch is stern, and I know what he's wanting to ask.

"Don't even think it," C.C. links her arm with mine and starts us walking towards the boy. "I didn't give him his Geass."

"Where is Nunnally now?"

"We tried to find her, but with the Black Knights all but destroyed, that's why-"

"What about Sayako?"

"She's and Diethard escaped to the Chinese Federation. She still doesn't know Zero's true identity, and she didn't know Nunnally's true importance, so she can't be blamed."

"Hmph," he looks away as he stands up. "I'll find the one who gave the emperor his Geass, and then, get Nunnally." He lifts his hand up, clenching it into a fist. Another gasp bursts out of him, "I had a younger sister, but not a younger brother."

"I wonder where Rolo is now," I mumble.

The notebook slams shut in Lelouch's hand. "This has the layout of the building in detail, but the ID code I need isn't here." He turns to fully look at us, his eyes roaming over what of my body can be seen. "So, we can't commandeer this Knightmare, can we?"

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