The Demon Awakens

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"Everything is ready for today, right?" I look at Kallen as I adjust the bright blue wig that conceals my identity. Not that anyone from school would come to this place, but I can never be too safe.

"The plan is set," Kallen nods, adjusting the bunny ears on her head. "If only you could have knocked some sense into him, but you said everything about you was rewritten?"

"Not everything, but enough that no matter what I've tried, he can't seem to break free. I'm not who he thinks I am, which hurts at times. Great make-out session this morning, though. Can't be sad when that happens."

She chuckles, "Hopefully that doesn't stop once he's back."

"I don't care if it does," I shrug, making sure my bunny suit is secure. "What we have right now is fake, even if it feels real at times. He's not the Lelouch I fell in love with, and I'm acting every moment that I'm around him. All of this shit needs to change."

"Don't worry," she places a hand on my shoulder, "it is."

"Thanks." I take a deep breath. "Okay, time to get to work."

The two of us exit the backroom, instantly separating to go about our jobs. Kallen is tasked with bringing champagne to wanting patrons, while I work on the tables usually occupied by rich Britannians that want to experience a different side of bar life. I can already see a few gangsters in here, which means some girls are being taken away.

"You're such a pretty little thing," a young man smirks as he steps in front of me. "What's a girl like you doing working here?"

"Not many jobs take 11s after last year," I softly smile.

"How much do I have to pay in order to take you home then? Get you out of this place?"

"Oh, I'm sorry sir, I'm not for sale," I take a step back, looking for an escape.

This isn't the first time that I've found myself in this situation. Britannians think that they can take whatever they want if they have the money or status. I can't say I have a boy waiting for me, or that I was once like royalty before this, so I deserve respect. All I can do is dodge my way out of their sight for the remainder of my shift.

"Anything is for sale at the right price," he reaches up to twirl a piece of my hair between his fingers.

"I said I'm not for sale," I growl, feeling a part deep within me crack as I stare into his soul.

"Yes miss, I'm sorry," he chokes out before rushing around me.

"Ugh," I groan, feeling a heat spreading through my chest. "That was new."

"I'm sorry," Kallen gasps as champagne glasses settle on the floor.

I take a few steps to be closer to the two, listening but barely looking at them.

"Don't worry," Lelouch states.

"But I'm an 11," Kallen pulls out her handkerchief to wipe the champagne from his trousers, "and you're a Britannian student. This is inexcusable." Her voice sounds so small in this moment. An act she's so used to putting on for others to not suspect she's a badass fighter. It irks me that she's had to revert back to this.

"All the more reason to excuse you," he kneels down to be at her eye level. "I hate having your social class held over you like a sword."

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