𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁

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bright daylight, ray of sunshine illuminating most part of his face as he focus on driving to his office

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bright daylight, ray of sunshine illuminating most part of his face as he focus on driving to his office.
and his lips take a sip from the coffee that he bought from a cafe not long before. ballad songs are playing from the radio, breaking the silence in the car. soon, the car found its way to the parking lot. getting out from the car, he walks straight to his office like usual without glancing at any of the staff that greeted him.

choi beomgyu. he has never feel this blank before. ever since the love of his life abruptly left, everything changed on him. he barely cares about anything around him anymore. he has been much more quite, only talk for something important. to say that he's still hurt is understandable. the wound is so deep, beomgyu don't know if he'll ever heal.

beomgyu sits on his chair, rubbing his face before straightened up his posture to start working. before that, he glance at a framed photo on top of the desk. a photo of her. smiling so sweetly and brightly that it makes beomgyu unconciously smile too. beomgyu softly chuckles, and then proceeding to continue his works.

his fingers dancing on the keyboard, eyes focusing on the computer screen when a sudden knock on the door was heard. he looks up, muttering a faint "come in". and his eyebrows furrowed the moment he sees soobin infront, now walking towards him

" what's up?" soobin said first because he knows beomgyu won't.

" just like usual." he answers, much more curious at why soobin's coming here when he knows beomgyu hates to get interupted while working.

soobin clears his throat before shamelessly invite himself to sit infront of beomgyu.

" why did you come?" beomgyu ask, wanted to get straight to the point already.

" new project. there an island a bit far from here and after a lot of discussing with my team, we think its a good idea if we can build a resort there. what do you say?"

beomgyu don't find that interesting actually. he never find any other thing interesting after y/n left him. " i'm fine with that. do anything you want."

" yeah i know but i still need your approval on this."

beomgyu slightly nods, " we'll just talk about this further in the meeting tomorrow. now, please leave."

soobin snorts, rolling his eyes.
" you really kick out your brother like that, huh? fine, i'm leaving now. and oh don't forget our family dinner tonight."

beomgyu just lets out a small hum. he actually hates family dinner. why? because its always feels empty and incomplete without y/n being there like usual. not to mention how the atmosphere will be so awkward and everyone will just silently eat without talking. beomgyu's bad at creating conversation, not like y/n who can make everyone comfortable with her in a second only. beomgyu envy that. if only she's still here.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now