𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗯𝗶𝗴 𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆

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" you should eat first and then rest again

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" you should eat first and then rest again." ryujin placed the plate on top of the table, sliding it infront of y/n and gesturing her to eat. the girl looks down, she's embarrassed at the way these two strangers keep treating her so nicely although they don't even know each other.

" why? you don't like it?" ryujin questions once she sees the brunette wasn't touching the food and just staring at it instead. y/n instantly shakes her head, denying ryujin's words. she don't really mind actually, she'll just eat whatever given since she's damn hungry and starving.

" its not like that.." she lowly mutters " thank you for the food." the brunette then shoved the food inside her mouth immediately after saying that. only god knows how empty her stomach right now, waiting to be fed. ryujin and sunghoon smiled in satisfaction the moment they see the girl's eating well without any complains.

it doesn't take long for the girl to finish her food actually. sunghoon then handed the glass of water towards her which she takes and drinks it without any words. other than hungry, y/n can feel how dry her throat that she just don't want to talk at all.

" great, you should rest more." ryujin said, about to help her stand up to go to the bed but y/n was faster to shakes her head.

" i want..i want to take some fresh air outside first please?" she lowly mutters, flashing them both a hopeful look. meanwhile ryujin and sunghoon only exchanging glances, still hesitating because of her still weak condition. the way her face's still pale eventhough not as pale as before.

ryujin lets out a small sigh before nodding her head lightly. she moves next to y/n to help her stand up and linking their arms together to help her walk just in case she'll fall due to her shaky and wobbly legs.

they both lead the brunette to the outside. as soon as they go out, y/n's met with the ray of bright sunshine that was illuminating most part of her face. giving colours to her pale face that she looks so angelic under it.
y/n's eyes slowly wandering around the surrounding and from there, she knows that the village is very small with limited amount of people staying here. not to mention how hideous is it.

but the most exciting part of her is that the way the village has everything y/n admires about. they have beach, one of y/n's favourite things after the stars and they also have forest here. Isn't its just beautiful? and even from far, her ears can catch the sounds of waves slapping the seashores already. its so calming to her.

" you like it here?" sunghoon suddenly ask, receiving full attention from brunette.

y/n vigorously nods her head, a small smile forming on her lips. " its good here. i like it."

" really? that's a relief, then. i thought some people from city won't be comfortable staying at smal village like this but i'm so glad you actually like this place." ryujin said, smiling so sweerly to the brunette.

" why won't i? its so calming here." she moves her head left and right to take a look around her. her eyes caught few children playing with a cat near the beach all giggly and smiley that its unconciously make her smiles too.

" sunghoon, ryujin?" the unfamiliar voice can be heard from behind them and without thinking twice, they turn their bodies around to meet with the owner of the voice.

" mom, dad." sunghoom smiles, approaching his parents meanwhile ryujin and y/n only follow from behind. those two adults look at y/n with wide eyes, utterly speechless and suprised. and all y/n can do is just standing at there awkwardly and keep overthinking, what if they don't like her here?

" oh girl, i see that you're finally awake. i'm so happy for you." the lady𑁋 sunghoon's mom speak, smiling so warmly to y/n that she can't help but to return the smile although she's still a bit scared and shy.

" whats your name girl?" the guy𑁋 sunghoon's dad asked.

y/n swallowed the lump of saliva down her throat, a bit nervous eventhough they speak so nicely and warmly to her. " y/n, my name is choi y/n."

suprisingly, sunghoon's mom enveloped her into a hug, leaving her speechless because she wasn't expecting that at all. nevertheless, y/n return the hug so that she doesn't look like a standing wood there.

" you're always welcomed here. don't be shy and make this place like home. make yourself comfortable." the lady softly speaks, leaving y/n staring at her in awe. she's definitely a soft talker. the brunette nods her head, finally feel more confident and not too scared like before.

she thought that they probably won't like her here but its really nothing like what she think at all. they welcomed her so warmly, providing her place to sleep and food although they are nothing but strangers.

" thank you." y/n briefly said, bowing to them slightly.

" you should rest more, y/n. you're still so pale. did you eat yet?" this time, sunghoon's dad was the one talking. not as soft as how his wife speak but y/n can feel that he cares from the tone he used.

" y-yes, i ate."

" good, then. take some rest after this since you just woke up. sunghoon, come here we have something to talk with you."

sunghoon obediently nods his head, waving at y/n and ryujin before trailing right behind his parents from who knows where.

" that's the head village. sunghoon's the son of the head village and you're staying at their house." ryujin abruptly explains as both of them continue walking to somewhere y/n can't take a guess since she's just following ryujin.

" r-really? won't i trouble them if i stay there?"

ryujin lightly chuckles at how y/n suddenly got worried over nothing. " nah, don't think about it. you aren't troubling at all."

y/n wasn't convinced enough but she still nods her head and tell herself to stop worrying too much. but still, she can't stop thinking at how most of the villagers would find her annoying for staying here since she's just a stranger.

" do you want to meet the villagers? i think they're at the hut as usual."

y/n was hesitating at first, she's still shy and at the same anxious at the thought of meeting them. but agreeing nonetheless since she knows she'll still have to meet them sooner or later. " okay." she lowly mutters.

ryujin smiles, leading both of them to the said wooden hut. based on ryujin's story, the hut was built by themselves as a place where all the villlagers will spend their times chatting with each other and having fun. It sounds great and exciting to y/n actually. it must be nice to have a lot of people to talk to.

it doesn't really far because they arrived not long after that. there, y/n meets few unfamiliar new faces that obviously she never see before. they all look at her with wide eyes and confused face. it makes y/n quickly get behind ryujin to hide herself.

" don't stare like that, you guys are scaring her." ryujin shakes her head, pulling y/n's hand to sit and join them there. 

" this is y/n." ryujin briefly introduced.

" hi, y/n! i'm eunbi but people here call me eunha." the raven short haired girl speaks first. she has a sweet smile plastered on her face and the way she greets y/n so brightly slowly ease her anxiousness. the brunette guess that eunha must be older than ryujin and sunghoon.

after eunha, one by one of the villagers start to introduce themselves cheerfully that it makes y/n feels so much welcomed there. they didn't make the atmosphere awkward at all since there's always new topic to be talked about and seriously, y/n feels so comfortable around them.

despite the ages gap, they're very much close with each other like a big family and honestly, that amused the brunette a lot.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now