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beomgyu fished out the phone from his jeans pocket the moment he heard a loud ringing voice coming from it, indicating that a call has entered

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beomgyu fished out the phone from his jeans pocket the moment he heard a loud ringing voice coming from it, indicating that a call has entered. his eyes slightly enlarged in confusion the moment he sees the caller's ID.

" hello?" beomgyu speaks first. theres few rustling voice coming from the other side of the phone call that beomgyu can't take a guess what was it.

" hello, sir."

" yes, why are you calling me? did you find her?"

" no, sir." there's a pause for a while that it left beomgyu curious and confused about what's the reason he's calling.

" sir, we're quitting. i don't think we could ever find her. Its been a year, sir. we can't keep doing this anymore. i think...you should move on too."

beomgyu's jaw clenched, he gritted his teeth hard. he hates it the most when people keep telling him to move on. yes, its been a year. yes, they couldn't find y/n. but its not easy to forget someone you love just like that and in this case, beomgyu still have slight hope that they'll be able find y/n one day. but if there's no one that want to help him, how could he search for the girl alone?

" listen, i don't mind if you're quitting but you have no rights to tell me that. i hate it. goodbye, thanks for all the hard works."
beomgyu sternly said before ending the call without letting the caller to respond anything first.

beomgyu rolls his eyes, letting out a frustrated groan all of a sudden. some people keep telling him to move on as if its such an easy thing to do. if its so easy, then beomgyu wouldn't be here crying every night just because he miss her. how could he forget how abruptly y/n left him without any last goodbye? how could he forget how tragically y/n left him that day?

all over the year, all beomgyu did was just yearning over her and keep wishing that this is still just a stupid dream. he cried every night when he remembers how the space beside him on the bed will be empty without her. he barely plays his guitar now because everything remind him of her that it can't help but to bring so much unwanted pain. he'll be staring at her photos and their photos together if he miss her and then recalling every memories of them back. its like a daily routine now.

all of a sudden, he heard a loud banging on the door and no, its not some loan sharks coming for him or what but beomgyu knows its soobin from the way he keep banging the door nonstop. beomgyu lets out a small sigh before standing up and opening the door.

just as expected, soobin's really there. standing infront of beomgyu with a grin plastered on his face. " are you ready? lets go."

beomgyu nods his head in agreement. both of them didn't go empty handed. they bring a small bag that contains few unnecessary
things, few water bottles to stay hydrated, spare clothes just in case and some of the paper works of course.

" lets go."


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