𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂?

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"who...are you?" y/n asked, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she stares at beomgyu with curious eyes. tilting her head to the side a bit and trying to recognize the guy that is standing infront of him but to no avail, y/n don't even know who's him.

beomgyu froze in his place, his lips quiver, doe eyes that filled with tears enlarged even more than before. legs slightly walking backwards shakily, his whole body is trembling. beomgyu feels like his heart shattered into pieces for the countless time already. happiness doesn't last long, is it?

the huge smile that he has on his face just now slowly drop, face turning pale as if he's losing blood. beomgyu assumes that he is about to faint on the spot. opening his mouth multiple times to let out any words but much to his own dissapointment, nothing come out. as if universe is not on his side this time. beomgyu was left in utter speechless.

" y-you..what do you mean? i-i'm beomgyu!" beomgyu managed to say in between his shaky and unstable breath. he don't know how to react for real. should he be happy or sad? why does this hurt a lot? it can't be isn't it..?

y/n scrunched her nose, lightly shaking
her head. " i really don't know who are you. but, how do you know my name though?"

beomgyu swallowed the bitter lump of saliva down his throat, his breath hitched. " hey, you don't...remember me? i'm your husband! w-we're married." beomgyu tried his best to stay calm despite how fast his heart is beating right now.

" m-married? god, what are you talking about?? i don't have any husband?" the brunette said again, this time staring at beomgyu weirdly.

" no, no no! i swear i wasn't lying. listen, we..we have the couple ring! see?" beomgyu lifts his hand, showing the ring on his finger that has the brunette's initial beautifully engraved on it.

y/n raised an eyebrow, lifting up her own hand and start checking her fingers to find the said couple ring that matched with the guy but much to beomgyu's suprise, y/n doesn't have the ring on her finger like how she used to.

" what are you talking about? I don't have any ring on my finger."

" who are you and how do you know my name?" y/n asked, intentionally repeats the same question.

beomgyu's eyes welled up in tears for the second time, turning his sight slightly blurry that he's almost unable to see anything. this can't be real, beomgyu knows the girl will never lose that ring. beomgyu knows y/n will never not wear that ring. beomgyu knows y/n always has the ring with her.

his world turning pitch black in a second only,  and now everything feels meaningless again. beomgyu wants nothing than to cry right now. it's damn hurt, he don't know how to explain it. " you..no way.." was the only thing that he could say as the villagers crowding around them and staring at beomgyu with weird stares but he couldn't care less.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now