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family dinner has always been a normal thing for the choi family, but today was weird

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family dinner has always been a normal thing for the choi family, but today was weird. the dining room was completely silence, no one's saying a word— doesn't even bother to ask how is each other's doing. only the sound of the spoon and fork hitting the plates fill in at the moment.

soobin shifted on his seat uncomfortably, still not used at the silence but he also don't know how to start a conversation.

but that's until mr choi decided to speak first— probably because he also cannot the stand how quiet were they. " i heard beomgyu came back?"

soobin almost chocked on his own food. almost. but he didn't, so he just lightly nodded his head. all of the family members there— including y/n's parents because they were also there— enlarged their eyes in surprised because they absolutely had no idea about it. beomgyu never tells.

" yeah..just few days ago. how did you know?" soobin rubbed his arm nervously. it supposed to be a secret but he forgot that mr choi— his dad, wasn't just a common person. he could've get whatever information he wants in a blink of an eye.

" why didn't he come to our family dinner tonight?" instead of answering, he shot back with another question.

soobin gulped harshly, mind trying to find the most logical excuse ever.
"uh..he's a bit busy."

mr choi's eyebrow furrowed, and soobin knows he wasn't convinced enough by his excuse.

soobin put down his utensils, wiping his mouth with the napkins before opening his mouth. " dad, he has been gone for weeks. of course he needs to handle lots of things lately including the abandoned works at the company so...yeah...he's really really busy" soobin explained, emphasizing the word 'really'. although he's smiling, deep inside he just cannot stop swearing at the younger for putting him in this situation. mr choi eventually nodded his head and soobin can only lets out a sigh of relief.

" but he knows we have rules in this household, right? it's a family dinner, how could he not come? "

soobin bit his lower lips, now not knowing how to respond because what his dad just said was exactly the truth. choi family dinner is an occasion where all the family members are required to come— it is intended to keep their relationship close despite being busy.

" please stop, let's not argue and eat in peace okay? we don't know maybe beomgyu's really that busy, right? come on, we haven't seen each other for long don't ruin this please?" mrs choi eventually speaks, and everyone there can't help but to nod their heads in agreement.

mr choi lets out a quiet sigh, " alright, i'm sorry. let's just eat." and they continue to eat in silence.

" and they continue to eat in silence

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