𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗿𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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y/n stares at the ceiling as if its the most interesting thing she ever seen in her life, mind full with deep train of thoughts

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y/n stares at the ceiling as if its the most interesting thing she ever seen in her life, mind full with deep train of thoughts. its midnight, and she assumed that everyone in the house are probably asleep already judging on how quite is it right now.

she has no one to talk to or keep her company tonight. usually, ryujin or sunghoon always make sure y/n gets to sleep first before them. but now she's suddenly awake at the middle of night and can't go back to sleep, what else can she do?

" hey, you don't...remember me? i'm your husband! w-we're married." beomgyu

" i searched for her. and all of that because i love her and i badly wanted to find her."

those words keep lingering on her mind, keep repeating and repeating the same sentences nonstop and just won't leave her mind even just for a second. y/n feels bad to the guy𑁋 beomgyu 𑁋actually. because he looked like he wants to cry so badly just now while keep explaining to everyone who he is but sunghoon and the head village unfortunately stopped him from doing that.

not like y/n wants to believe beomgyu out of nowhere without even knowing him but she swears she can feel how her heart did a flip whenever they accidentally made eyes contact. she feels like she wants to trust beomgyu but at the same time still scared and still wants to be more cautious.

y/n gets up from her bed, leaving her house quitely so that she won't make any sound that disturb sunghoon and his family while they are sleeping.

she inhaled the fresh night air, eyes locked on the dark sky while watching the bright stars and somehow she feels like getting deja vu all of a sudden. this scene feels oddly familiar. she can't sleep, sneaking out from house to get the fresh night air and watching the stars. isn't it familiar? like she has done the exact same thing before. Its just that she can't recalled the memory at all. and y/n hates that the most. the brunette keep convincing herself to not think about it anymore since she will only hurting her head if she does.

y/n follows to whenever her legs take her to. she don't really sure which direction is she going but its not like she's worried about that or what. as long as she's not going into the forest late this night, then everything else should be fine.

while walking near the beach, her eyes accidentally caught a figure sitting on the sand while staring at the slow and calming waves with a sullen expression on his face. y/n don't need to look twice to recognize who is it because she immediately knows.

the brunette wants to walk away, not wishing to get any further to the guy but her heart says otherwise. it feels like there's something inside her that keep telling her to go near the guy and suprisingly, that's what she actually did. her legs unconciously make it way towards the guy.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now