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hello welcome to another series of author's note 😭😭😭

ok so this is like the longest book i took to finished due to classes but thankfully i finished it ^^

anyway i wasn't expecting that you guys are still waiting for any update albeit i'm not update for soooo long 😭😭😭😭 it's your support that keep me going hehe

honestly it's been hard for me to finish this ESPECIALLY with the stupid writer's block i'm stucked with 😭😭😭

BUT I FINALLY FINISHED IT although the ending is kinda rushed im so sorry if it's lacking though 😭😭

but on another note thank you so much for still reading and waiting till the day i finish 💘💘 i love love love you guys so much

for those who waiting for me to republish tutor, i hope you guys will be patience towards me I'M STRUGLLING 😭😭 i'm trying my best hehe

i'm not sure when will i continue writing again, but for now i think it's better for me to take a rest first until i'm free enough <33 again, thanks for all the support and sweet words. keep commenting and voting !! ily 💘

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now