𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗶𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗺𝗮𝗻 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲

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don't even ask how's beomgyu right now

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don't even ask how's beomgyu right now. he can't sleep, not even a wink and he knows that's not something normal knowing he's the type of person who can always fall asleep in instant. but why can't he tonight? probably at the fact that there's a certain someone that keep occupying his mind nonstop.

who else if not y/n? not even once that girl leave his mind but tonight is different. why different? briefly because he still remember the scenarios that happened earlier at the island. beomgyu keep convincing himself that its just simply a hallucination but oddly enough, a big part of him keep saying otherwise. beomgyu's confuse and its very much understandable. beomgyu don't know which to believe.

beomgyu still remember those angelic laughters and voice that keep lingering in his ears, he can still see the wide smile that the girl has on her face. its such a bliss and everything feels like a dream. but beomgyu knows that it wasn't just a dream and very much real.

this is bad, so bad. beomgyu has never sleep this late before. funnier because he can feel how extremely exhausted and tired he is today yet he can't even close his eyes without thinking about the same thing over and over again. god, is beomgyu officially crazy? is he starting to seeing things now?

beomgyu groaned, sitting up on his bed and start to grab his hair in frustration. his mind is in mess, he can't think straight. he can barely focus on anything else now. he wants to tell soobin or kai about this but he knows none of them won't believe him without proof. then, what's beomgyu supposed to do now? literally no one will believe him easily like that. what if he tell them that he saw y/n and they straight up send him to the hospital? no, a big no. better not.

beomgyu shakes his head, getting up from the bed and goes towards the kitchen to grab a cold drink for his dry throat. after all, he needs to calm himself down first before making any desicion. beomgyu gulped down the cold water in one go, wiping of the corner of his lips with his tshirt sleeves as he slightly panting.

firstly beomgyu needs to find out whether what he saw is true or not. confirm it that its really y/n and not just a stupid imagination that his mind made up. beomgyu hopes its not. imagine how dissapointed could he be if he finds out that what he saw was just a hallucination? but beomgyu won't put his hope too high too. he wants to investigate first before making assumptions.

and this time, beomgyu will do this alone. he will not get anyone else involve. not even a help from his most trustable brother— soobin. beomgyu knows he can always trust soobin to help him but this time beomgyu don't think he'll get soobin involved too, knowing how stressed his older brother has been with office works lately.

beomgyu surely has lots of works and meeting coming up at his office tomorrow but that wasn't his concern anymore now. he can just ask his secretary to reschedule or rearrange it again later, beomgyu don't want to know nor care about it. y/n should be the top priority, and beomgyu needs to make a neat plan to go back to the island tomorrow. tomorrow, yes tomorrow because he don't think he'll able to wait for any longer.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now