𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗮𝗽 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸

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"she's resting," beomgyu briefly explains the moment he gets out from the room and saw ryujin standing infront of the door with furrowed eyebrows

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"she's resting," beomgyu briefly explains the moment he gets out from the room and saw ryujin standing infront of the door with furrowed eyebrows. ryujin approvingly nods her head, satisfied enough that the girl is at least resting well again. maybe if she continuously resting and focusing back to recover again, she can heal faster.

both ryujin and beomgyu leave sunghoon's family's house, not wanting to stay there any longer because it'll be all awkward, especially if they meet sunghoon there. can't imagine how tense the atmosphere will be.

" how's sunghoon by the way?" beomgyu hesitantly asked, barely above whisper.

ryujin seems to be surprise at the question, unexpected because she knows beomgyu couldn't care less about sunghoon for him to ask that. seeing the girl's expression all shock and confuse, beomgyu immediately shakes his head.

" its not like what you're thinking. I don't care about him, okay?" beomgyu rolls his eyes, meanwhile ryujin just lets out a small chuckle.

" then, what?"

" its because of y/n, okay? she was the one that asking me to check up on sunghoon too. you think i would want to know how he's doing if its not because of her?"

ryujin laughs at the way beomgyu sounds so irritated. " alright, alright. got it. but dont ask me though because neither did i know too."
she shrugged, wearing an unreadable expression.

this time, its beomgyu's turn to be confuse. eventhough he hasn't known ryujin or sunghoon for long, he knows enough that both of them are really close with each other.
ryujin will know everything about sunghoon and the same goes for sunghoon too.

" why don't you know? he's your best friend though? you guys are like really really close."
beomgyu squinted his eyes.

ryujin lets out a small sigh, shaking her head.
" i don't know, he's been different lately. i swear he wasn't usually like this. but i guess he likes y/n too much."

beomgyu scoffs, rolling his eyes at the last sentences. he never want to throw up so bad like this. both ryujin and beomgyu continue walking to whenever their legs take them to, sparing the last minute talking randomly. beomgyu was amused but how he get used to ryujin so fast since she's an easy going person, friendly and can be friends with literally anyone so beomgyu feels comfortable enough.

beomgyu noticed the weird and judging glances and glares that most of the villagers were giving him but its not like he could care less. all he can do is just to ignore them like how ryujin asked him to.

based on what ryujin said, it takes times for the villages here to accept outsiders. at first, beomgyu was confuse at how they clicked so well with y/n since she's also an outsider but ryujin explained again, saying that the villagers get used to y/n real quick since she' has been treated here for a year already. and that everyone here already welcome her as a part of the big family too.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now