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"finally done!" beomgyu lets out a small tired sigh, lips curved up in a smile of satisfaction

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"finally done!" beomgyu lets out a small tired sigh, lips curved up in a smile of satisfaction. he wiped off few beads of sweat on his flawless forehead with his shirt's sleeves. maybe because the weather is hotter than usual, he end up sweating a bit too much than supposed.

what was he doing, you asked? the villagers and ryujin called to help to move the woods that they've collected from the forest and apparently, there's a lot of it— more than beomgyu expected. how can he say no? he can't and would never. beside, it's not like he mind. he wasn't doing anything at all and hey, helping the villagers this time wasn't bad either. at least beomgyu didn't waste his leisure time doing nothing, right?

" drink this," ryujin laughs, shaking her head while handing beomgyu a cup of plain water which of course beomgyu won't reject. he's too exhausted to do that.

" thanks," he briefly mutters, thankful that ryujin comes at the very right time. he wasted no time gulping down the water finished in one go. enjoying the cold sensation on his dry throat.

his eyes sometimes stealing glances at sunghoon who's now sitting not too far from him and ryujin. he silently rolls his eyes, immediately averted his gaze somewhere else and pretending not to care. but his own body betrayed him the moment his legs made their way towards the younger guy.

beomgyu eventually handed the guy a cup of water while trying his best to keep a straight face. he didn't utter a word, only waiting for sunghoon to take the water. ryujin on the other hand, only watching from a far with furrowed eyebrows since she don't want to interupt all of a sudden.

sunghoon looked up, a bit confused and suprised but he choose to not make it obvious. " ...thanks." he simply said and taking the cup of water from the older's hand.

beomgyu clears his throat, nodding. he then awkwardly sits next to sunghoon doing nothing. choose to stare on the ground instead of trying to create any room for conversation. beomgyu keeps opening his mouth, about to say something but to no avail, nothing came out.

sunghoon wasn't oblivious, he knows beomgyu's trying to talk to him. but sunghoon's not ready for even a simple conversation— maybe because he's too embarrassed. after everything he did to beomgyu— including accusing him so many things, how can beomgyu still treat him nicely?

so both of them choose to stay quite instead, sitting side by side next to each other doing nothing while awkward atmosphere immediately fill in. ryujin shakes her head, expecting it already so she's not too suprise.

" h-help!" and all of the villagers immediately snapped their heads towards the source of voice.

there was three kids running to their direction, panting heavily as thin layer of sweat illuminating most part of their red faces. there's even few beads of tears staining on their cheeks, making the villagers panicked instantly.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now