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the brunette stares at the phone, letting out small chuckle as both of her lips curved up into a small smile

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the brunette stares at the phone, letting out small chuckle as both of her lips curved up into a small smile. well, its not technically her phone but beomgyu's. she don't know where's her phone anyway, she has lost it ever since those traumatic plane crash accident and honestly, she doesn't even make any effort to try and find it because it's going to be useless.

and no, y/n don't steal the phone from beomgyu but the guy unknowingly left his phone in her room without noticing. she can't do much with the phone actually, since there's barely any signal from the island but thankfully, she still remember how to use phone.

when she opened his phone, the first thing she saw was a photo of her as the lockscreen and god, y/n could never forget it. so she immediately went to the gallery instead, trying to ignore those massive heartbeats.
surprisingly- or maybe not, most of his gallery is filled with their photos together and her. yes, there's a lot of her photo there. too much, but also too bad, y/n still can't remember the timeline of those photos, let alone having any single memories about it. its pretty no- so much disappointing actually.

she lets out a deep sigh, scrolling down and down for the endless photos. they both look so happy on each of the photos, and y/n truly knows it wasn't a faked nor edited one. until her eyes caught their family photos, that's when y/n can't deny how her heart clenched and keep yearning for them. there's a photo of their big family there, mom and dad with beomgyu's parents. there's also soobin, beomgyu and her too. it would a big lie if she said she doesn't miss them at all. infact, they never once leave her mind. y/n looking foward for the day when she'll finally be able to meet them again. but not now, at least. not in this condition.

she chuckles, finally shutting down the phone and put it on the nightstand. she choose to stare at the white ceiling instead even though its boring. reminiscing back some happy scenarios of her family and her in mind but too bad, beomgyu never once appear in those reels of memories. y/n lets out a small groans, she failed again for the countless time.

she snapped back to reality the moment she heard few faint knocks of the door. she was expecting beomgyu, or maybe sunghoon or ryujin. but all her guess slipped out just like that the moment her eyes landed on the five kids standing infront of the door frame. her eyebrows furrowed, bending down to match their heights.

" hey, what's wrong?" she softly asked, flashing them a small smile.

the youngest out of those kids is around five years old, three of them are six, meanwhile the oldest is seven years old. and no, they're not siblings but the children of the villagers instead. still, they are unseparable like a pure blood-related family. that's something that should never be questioned about.

" can you bring us to the tree house?"
the youngest said first.

" wait- no! we aren't suppose to disturb her. do you forget that she's still resting?" now the oldest said, flashing the brunette an apology look.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now