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"...y/n???" soobin almost screamed. eyes widened in disbelief. this cannot be true, there's no way its true. he shakes his head, ignoring beomgyu and the brunette standing in front of him with concern— the couple were trying to approach soobin without scaring him.

" wait..that's impossible." he lowly mumbled, hands rubbing his eyes to get a clearer sight. but even after he open his eyelids back, nothing changed. literally nothing.

" soobin..?" beomgyu said first, bitting down his lower lips. probably because he had no idea how to explain everything to soobin after this. yeah he kinda messed up with this— now the older will get angrier than he already was.

" i think i've gone crazy that i started seeing ghost too" soobin laughs, a small sigh escaped his mouth while he had his eyes closed.

beomgyu chocked on the air, having the urge to punch the older on the throat because what? did he just call his wife a ghost?

" soobin-"

" or i'm probably just tired haha" he cut beomgyu off, eyes still closed.

" hah i think i'm going home lol i need to rest damn it haha bye-"


the older's eyes immediately shot opened, blinking his eyes once, twice, and thrice. he swallowed the bitter lump of saliva harshly down his throat, now getting shivers all over the body. " no..way.."

beomgyu rolls his eyes, " yes way. listen, don't be surprise-"

" how could i not??!" soobin raised his voice a bit, feeling annoyed and scared at the same time. he flashed the younger a look of disbelief. once in a minute, he also glanced at the girl who's standing quitely behind beomgyu— and yet he still cannot believe what he just saw. thinking that his eyes were deceiving him because if not, then what??

" what the fuck happened?!" soobin said, eyebrows furrowed hard.

it went completely silence for another few minutes, and the atmosphere turned awkward because no one's uttering a word. not even soobin— probably because he's still processing things.

at last, y/n was the first one to open her mouth since she cannot stand the tense situation anymore. it better if they explain it faster so that soobin wouldn't misunderstand and everything can be settled quickly. she thinks soobin deserves to know anyway— he's a part of family.

" um soobin? you should come in first. we can..explain everything inside.." she timidly said, scared because soobin's face was all red as if he's about to explode and go crazy for real this time.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now