𝗹𝗲𝘁 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗴𝗼

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ryujin jolted up in suprise the moment she feels her arms being pulled out of nowhere

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ryujin jolted up in suprise the moment she feels her arms being pulled out of nowhere. if only she didn't see carefully, she would've let out a loud scream but she didn't. because all she saw was y/n dragging her to who knows where with a mischevious smile of her. ryujin was clueless, but she also did not let out any complain, letting the brunette bring her to wherever she wanted.

" where are we going?" ryujin questions, but the girl did not respond and just flashed her a cheeky smile instead. ryujin shakes her head, finally not wanting to ask anything anymore because she knows the brunette won't answer her.

and fortunately not long after that, y/n stopped at a certain place. it was a place near the beach but also a bit hidden from anyone to see them because there's a hella big rock towering them from behind. the brunette wasted no time pulling ryujin to hide behind the rock. and although ryujin's still confuse and at the same time curious, she just keep herself silent and follow y/n.

" why are we here? why are we hiding?" she eventually questions, sitting on the sand next to the brunette. a wide smile plastered on y/n's lips as she suddenly linked their arms together. it left ryujin more suprised hat she already was.

" i'm so so so happy!" y/n excitedly said, her smile did not drop even a bit.

ryujin unconciously smiles too, she raised an eyebrows and tilted her head a bit to the side.
"what makes you so happy?"

" i-"

" wait before that, aren't you suppose to rest right now?? you should stay in bed not going to beach like this-"

" let me finish first!" the brunette immediately cut off, a small huff escaped from her mouth.

ryujin lets out a small sigh, slowly nodding her head after. " alright, alright. what is it?"

" ryujin," she called, earning a low hum from the said girl. the brunette was smiling so widely that both of her eyes turned into a shape of crescent. ryujin has never seen her smiling like this before. it's a first.

" i..." she bit her lower lips, refraining herself from smiling too much. and she definitely can't hide the red dusted that was tinted on both sides of her cheeks. y/n has no idea if ryujin can see it or not.

" you what?" ryujin said, a bit growing impatient because y/n keep pausing after words. she's dead curious too.

" i gained my memories back!" she exclaimed.

and ryujin was completely stunned, staring at the brunette with pair of wide eyes and still processing her words just now over and over again. she lets out a small gasp, a hand covering her mouth. " r-really??!"

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now