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y/n left her room not long after, saying that she's bored staying alone without anyone keeping her company

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y/n left her room not long after, saying that she's bored staying alone without anyone keeping her company. everyone keeps advising her to rest more, but y/n thinks that she's completely fine and healthy. theres no need to rest too much in that empty room while staring at the blank ceiling. she can walk, and her head does not hurt as much anymore. there's suppose to be no problem right? well, she hopes so.

she didn't see any glimpse of sunghoon, ryujin or beomgyu at all. and talk about sunghoon, y/n is actually still a bit sad because he looks like he's trying to avoid y/n by not seeing her at all. that's not something y/n would be glad for. yeah, she can be pissed too sometimes but friends are still friends after all. y/n just hope they can have a talk and maybe in that way, everything can be settled nicely. maybe.

" y/n?" the brunette immediately halts her steps and look up, just to see ryujin's mom standing infront of her, eyebrows furrowed while looking at her. " what are you doing here? i thought you are still resting?"

y/n awkwardly laughs, scratching her nape sheepishly. see, everyone keeps saying that she should rest. not that they're wrong, but y/n's sure she's hundred percent fine with walking around. its not like she's going to do any heavy activity right? " don't worry, i'm alright." she assured, giving the lady a convincing smile.

" if you say so. don't force yourself, okay? i know you said that you are fine but we don't know what will happen so make sure to take care okay?"

the way the lady talk so softly does make her heart flutter, both of her cheeks feel warmth.
she nods her head obediently, sweet smile illuminating her face. " alright! don't worry!"

" oh, do you see ryujin, sunghoon or beomgyu? i can't find any of them." y/n frowned, a small sigh escaped her mouth.

" i don't have any idea about sunghoon" ryujin's mom said. " but ryujin and beomgyu are at the wooden hut, chatting with those villagers."

y/n's face lit up, but feeling dumb at the same time for not thinking about it. honestly, she should have known sooner because where else could they go if not there, right? this island isn't even big, there's not much place to go either.

and she isn't going to admit it too but the fact that sunghoon's not there made her much more dissapointed than before. she thought he was ignoring only her but turn out its more than just that. sunghoon looks like he's trying to avoid beomgyu and ryujin too. now it sounds kinda weird here because knowing sunghoon and ryujin, they're too close to each other to fight for something silly. y/n knows that no matter how much those two fight, they'll make up not few minutes after. nothing's too big for them to fight. so what make it different this time?

y/n quickly shakes her head, shrugging off those disturbing thoughts. she can't just make any assumption.

" really? thank you mrs shin!" she bowed down a bit, flashing the lady a sweet smile before immediately walking away from there.

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