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the sun rises brightly in the morning today as well, as the canvas is painted with red and orange hue along with the sound of birds chirpings

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the sun rises brightly in the morning today as well, as the canvas is painted with red and orange hue along with the sound of birds chirpings. it never fails to leave everyone utterly awestruck just by looking at it. just how mesmerizing it is. 

however, today is a different day. and none of them is ready for today. 

" i'm going to miss you a lot, dummy." ryujin lets out a small huff, frowning a bit as she links her arm together with the brunette. meanwhile y/n only giggles, shaking her head lightly. besides, it's not like everyday she can see ryujin acting all clingy like this, right? it's once in a lifetime experience. 

" you say that for too many times already." the brunette teases, but ended up earning a light slap on the arm instead from ryujin. "i swear to god if you don't stop i might need to move here instead."

ryujin laughs, a low chuckle escapes from her. " as much as i want you to stay here forever, i know beomgyu and your family need you more." the brunette only presses her lips into a thin line, eyes wandering around the island for the last time . even she cannot deny that what ryujin just said is nothing but the truth. plus, she also miss her family a lot. and yeonjun too, of course. her bestfriend. now she wonders what would their reactions be once they see y/n later. 

her gazes landed on beomgyu, who's busy talking with some of the villagers about who knows what. there's even a small shy smile curved on his lips as he talks. and she's obviously happy to see how beomgyu and everyone gets along very quick. she cannot help but to reminisce back about that one time the villagers tried so hard to kick off that poor guy from this island. come to think of it again, its kind of funny. she appreciated how they wanted to protect her, of course. and she can never not be thankful at the facts that beomgyu never give up on her despite being through so much. well, both of them have been through a lot. too much happening in a year but at the end of the day, she's grateful to able to call beomgyu hers.

"y/n.." ryujin speaks out of nowhere, voice as soft as possible and the girl only responds with a low hum indicating that she's listening.

" i'm happy for you. and i know sunghoon is too."

y/n would've cry, but she flashes her a sweet smile instead. she knows ryujin wasn't lying, she sounds a little bit to sincere for that.

" i know you are."

" dude,"

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" dude,"

since beomgyu feels like he's being called, he turns his head to the side. only to find sunghoon standing besides him with and unreadable expressions. but at least it's not as annoying as usual. he stands up from where he sits, facing sunghoon with furrowed eyebrows. he couldn't take a guess on what is sunghoon trying to do. there's no way he still wants to pick a fight with him on the last day beomgyu staying here right? worse, in front of many people---- villagers. that would be embarrassing though. he obviously won't like that.

without saying anything, sunghoon points to a direction with his chin and luckily, beomgyu wasn't dumb to not understand what he's trying to say. hesitantly, beomgyu nods his head shortly before excusing himself from the villagers there and following sunghoon from behind. 

both of them stop at a certain spot. a bit far away from people but not too secluded because everyone can still see them effortlessly.

around seconds, sunghoon still hasn't say anything but keeping a straight face and honestly, beomgyu gets a bit impatient. he would've scream in front of sunghoon's face to make him talk about whatever he wants faster but since he's still very sane, he decided to not. plus, sunghoon doesn't look like he wants to pick a fight either. or is he just good with face expressions? beomgyu has no idea.

" so why are you calling me all of a sudden?" after a very long time ( not really, beomgyu's just dramatic and impatient ), he breaks the silence first. beomgyu can clearly hear a soft sigh escapes from sunghoon's mouth because apparently, he's not deaf. 

" i'm sorry" is the first thing sunghoon said after, and that doesn't fail to catch beomgyu off guard. because why would he apologizes all of a sudden? although its pretty understandable though. but still, why on earth he does this out of nowhere? did he finally come to his own sense?

even before beomgyu can say a word, sunghoon speaks again. " i don't know if you're going to forgive me or not but...i'm sorry. sincerely." 

beomgyu would've say that sunghoon is just putting up an acting but the way he looks genuinely guilty and sorry confused him a lot. nevertheless, fit of laughter escapes from beomgyu. he's not used to see sunghoon like this, okay? do not blame him.

" you look so nervous, am i seeing this right?" beomgyu teased, actually intending to light up the atmosphere a bit.

sunghoon scoffs, shooting beomgyu a look of disbelief because he still grabs a chance to tease him in a very serious matter like this. please??? it took a whole week for sunghoon to gather courage to finally put everything to the end and apologize but beomgyu???? 

beomgyu chuckles, " alright, alright." 

" i want to apologize too, then." beomgyu eventually said, and sunghoon's eyes enlarge a bit upon hearing that. 

" why would you?"

" if anything, i think i was childish too. we could've have a proper talk but we choose to argue instead." a small giggles from beomgyu can be heard at the end of the sentences as he lightly shakes his head. " but don't blame me though, you know i'd literally do anything for her."

" whipped."

" look at the mirror???" beomgyu jokingly rolls his eyes. " not like i don't know you like her. but i wasn't going to blame you too actually. my girl is a literal sweetheart, she's kind and pretty and everyone would be in love with her but at the end of the day she's still mine-"

" fine, damn it. i got it. we all got it."

" who's 'we'?"

"me and the readers."

beomgyu laughs, and not long after that, sunghoon also joins him. it actually does feel nice to finally gets along well. it should've been this way from the start. 

" so we're good now?" sunghoon hesitantly asks.

beomgyu throws a thinking pose for a while, pretending as if he's still not sure about it but upon seeing sunghoon's apologetic face, he can't help but to laugh. " what's with the serious face? god, yeah of course we're good now. i don't want to have a beef with anyone anyway."

sunghoon lets out a sigh of relief and for a fact that he actually feels lighter than before. it is as if all his worries and guilts are gone. he feels happier this way and now he knows ryujin is absolutely right.

" anyway, after all, i think you should also speak to her and explain everything." 

sunghoon sighs, nodding his head to show his agreement. " you're right, i should."

hii everyone i'm finally updating 😭
want to say sorry because of my very very very very late update 😭😭 was busy because of exams, and had a writer block for a while 💔😔

anywayy glad to finally be back, thank you for leaving nice comments i actually read them all but sometimes forgot to reply IM SORRY 😭

plus, this book is almost ending. i want to update faster so i can finally rest and focus on st-st-st-stu-study 🤮🤮🤮🤮 again

thank you for reading whatever i write here, i hope you like it 😀😀 stay safe and healthy everyone I LOVE YOU 💗💗

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