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"come on, why can't you remember a thing?"

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"come on, why can't you remember a thing?"

y/n closed her eyes shut, trying to remember even the smallest thing regarding beomgyu but to no avail, she gained nothing. y/n lets out a small groan, lightly wincing in pain the moment she feels her head throbbing in pain. this is what y/n hates the most. everytime she made an effort to try and remember thing, she ended up gaining nothing but pain on her head.

y/n sighed, lightly hit her own head with her two fists multiple times." god, why does this hurt so much." she almost cry, bearing with the pain. she knows she shouldn't force herself to remember a thing but she can't help but to be curious. she desperately wants to remember beomgyu again if what he said was true. she wants to remember everything back but look like no matter how hard she tried, she will always gain nothing. if she herself almost give up, then she can't imagine what beomgyu thinks. does he grows tired too?

y/n lifts her hand, about to hit her own head again but before she can even do that, a hand grabs her wrist, refraining her from doing it.

" hey hey, don't hurt yourself."

the brunette immediately turned around, just to see beomgyu smiling softly to her. and god, y/n couldn't be more surprise because she definitely wasn't expecting his presence there.

" beomgyu.." she immediately averted her gaze to somewhere else but him, getting a bit embarrassed that beomgyu saw whatever she's trying to do just now.

beomgyu lightly chuckles, letting go of her hand before taking a seat next to her but still mantaining some distance in between.

" i told you to not force yourself to remember anything, right? you're only hurting yourself." beomgyu's voice was low, lifting up his hand and start rubbing the girl's head softly while the girl only stay there doing nothing. she's too suprise at the sudden gesture but at the same time, wasn't refusing.

" sorry.." she said, hint of guilt was obvious in her tone. she wasn't intending to make beomgyu worried at all, but neither did she purposely do it to hurt herself. she just want to gain all her memories back.

" don't say sorry," beomgyu's voice softened.
" tell me why did you do that, hm?"

" i'm just desperately want to gain my memories back. i didn't mean to hurt myself at all i swear."

beomgyu smiles, ruffling the girl's hair and finding the girl rather adorable. he couldn't even stay mad. how's he suppose to be mad?

" i understand, but don't do it again okay? it will come back one day, trust me. even if it won't, then its not a problem at all because i will still stay by your side for a very long time."

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now