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it's been two weeks after everything unfold

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it's been two weeks after everything unfold. beomgyu is still getting used with having the girl he loves back to his arms again. waking up everyday on the morning finally doesn't feel empty anymore. beomgyu does feel grateful, everyday he hopes that none of these were just dreams, everyday he prays so that this would last forever if possible— beomgyu wants to make her happy, and he promise he will no matter what.

meanwhile y/n, continue to live her life just like before. although, it's now different.


she's faking her death for publicity. she's an attention seeker. that's what people always said, not even bothering to hide it. sometimes when she goes somewhere, whether it's for works purpose or not, she always hear those kind of whispers — she ignores it anyway.

eventhough everyone's celebrating, happy for her recovery news, that doesn't mean she didn't receive such negativity in between all those positive reactions. there's always some people who acts like they know everything about her. she couldn't care less actually. as long as she and beomgyu happy, then what else matters? but everything always has it own limit because once they get beomgyu involved for something that wasn't even his fault, she cannot bring herself to stay quiet. no, she won't let beomgyu suffers again— a year is enough, she promised no more.

and now, the girl is sitting silently on her seat, facing yeonjun who's only looking at her with curiousity in his eyes. his eyebrows furrowed, bititing his lips as he contemplating whether he should ask or not. it's been more than 10 minutes of silence, and they've been sitting at the cafe for nearly one hour but the girl still doesn't open up any topic. being her friend for years, yeonjun know she won't ask him to meet up if it's not for something.

yeonjun heard the girl lets out a heavy sigh for the nth time and he decided that was his last straw. " okay what is it?" he pushed his drink aside, putting full focus on the girl only.

the girl looked up, a bit surprise by the sudden question. " what?"

" don't even lie. what do you want to talk about? you know you can tell me anything, right?"

" it's.." she paused. " nothing, it's...just stupid."
"forget it" she adds.

" no." yeonjun didn't even hesitate for a moment. he stares, " tell me. did you hear someone talking bad behind you at works again?"

the girl lightly chuckles, but not denying anyway. " that always happens. but that's not what bothering me"

" so there's really something that bothering you?" yeonjun raised his eyebrows, only to receive a slight nod from the girl.

" what? what's the thing that has been bothering you?" he adds, determined to know what's happening.

" no, i sad it that it's just stupid. just forget it." she shakes her head, but that does not mean yeonjun will give up easily. not until she tells.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now