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beomgyu enters his house with a heavy sigh, mindlessly walking towards the couch and throw himself on top of it

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beomgyu enters his house with a heavy sigh, mindlessly walking towards the couch and throw himself on top of it. he left the island at dawn today and rushed back to Seoul before soobin noticed he's gone. actually he's a bit dissapointed that he didn't at least bid a goodbye to y/n. but its not really a big deal because beomgyu has promised himself that he'll return to the island later after handling everything in Seoul.

he knows he could've just message or call soobin instead but too bad that his phone died and there's no signal on the island. besides, if soobin knows that beomgyu's gone without telling anyone, he's sure that the older is going to tell their parents and make big fusses about it. beomgyu knows how protective soobin has been ever since y/n left.

even before beomgyu can close his eyes to sleep, there's loud banging on the door and beomgyu don't need to open it to know who is it. who else if its not soobin, right? he lets out a small groan, forcing himself to get up from the couch and heading to the door to open it.

" what the hell are you doing here?" beomgyu glares, but soobin doesn't seem to be intimidated at all. the older lets out a scoff instead.

" to see if you're still alive. thank god, you are." he sarcastically said, making beomgyu rolls his eyes.

" why didn't you come to office yesterday? you literally ditch the meeting."

beomgyu swallowed, he already expected that kind of question from soobin already. its just that he needs to be smart while lying so that the older won't be suspecting anything. beomgyu still remember what y/n said last night— to not let everyone knows about her condition yet.

" i wasn't feeling well. plus, i didn't ditch the meeting okay? i asked my secretary to reschedule it for later." beomgyu huffs, sitting on the couch again and followed by soobin.

" not feeling well? what- don't say you were crying all night again?!"

there's tint of red blush on both of the younger cheeks, feeling embarrassed that soobin even knows about it. he must have crying too much for soobin to hear it. but now he won't anymore— remembering how the love of his life is still safe and alive.

" i wasn't crying, okay?! i just had..headache? because i've been working nonstop." beomgyu said, trying to look convincing enough so the older won't be suspicious.

soobin lets out a small sigh, massaging his temple lightly. " tell me next time, dummy. i called you lots of time but you don't even pick up your phone. you know how worried i get."

" aww~ you're worried."

" shut up, choi." soobin smacks the back of the younger's head, resulting him to hiss in pain.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now