𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗶 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂

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" i'm so sorry

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" i'm so sorry." beomgyu said, barely above whisper while his fingers busy caressing her wrist softly. theres red mark around it, indicating that sunghoon must have gripping it too hard. beomgyu don't know whether its unintentional or other way around but he don't care—neither did he wants to know. sunghoon was too much, too overprotective and overreacted that he failed to realize that he's hurting the girl at the same time.

if only sunghoon stops meddling with their bussiness and let them solve it themselves, then everything would be much easier. but no, sunghoon just had to be a barrier in between those two when he's nothing, but just an outsider.

a small sigh escapes his mouth as he laid his head above his folded arms that he placed on the bed. it hasn't been long since the girl passed out and beomgyu hopes she'll wake up soon. truth to be told, he's feeling guilty because he's still one of the resson why the brunette is laying on the bed, unconciously.

he slowly closed his eyes, but not sleeping because he can't. he don't want to sleep until y/n wakes up first. but before he can do that, multiple knocks on the door were heard, making beomgyu instantly raised his head.

" just..come in. the door wasn't locked." beomgyu said, praying inside and hoping that it wasn't the demon— sunghoon of course.

" beomgyu"

" ryujin?" beomgyu's eyebrows furrowed, flashing the girl a tight lipped smile not long after that.

" hey, how's her? did she wake up yet?" ryujin asked, bending down a bit to see y/n that is still laying on the bed without moving even a bit.

" no..not yet." there's a sigh followed after that sentences and ryujin needs no explanation to know that he must have beem extremely sad and dissapointed. 

" she will, soon. she's strong and you know that." ryujin reassured, smiling at the guy.

want it or not, beomgyu just nods his head. " yeah, i hope."

" you're feeling guilty?"

" of course..."

ryujin keep herself silent after, already expecting such answer. its good enough that one of two that argued ealier actually feels guilty about what he has caused. not like the other one who only think about his emotions and emotions only. *coughs* sunghoon *coughs*

" are you going to stay here?" ryujin asked again, which only got a small hum as a respond.

" go and take fresh air first. clear out your mind and then come back to take care of y/n— i mean, if you can of course. this is sunghoon's family house after all." ryujin shrugged.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now