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the said boy looked up, but instantly rolled his eyes the moment his gaze landed on a certain someone that he didn't wish to meet at all. the last person on earth that he wants to see right now— choi beomgyu. sunghoon doesn't know why, but his rage blooming every time he sees the guy. or probably something else. jealousy as one of the examples but no, sunghoon's not going to admit that.

" go away."

instead of leaving like how sunghoon asked him to, beomgyu scoffs, taking a seat next to the guy. they are at the treehouse right now, sitting awkwardly next to each other while eyes wandering around the forest.

" don't get me wrong, if it's not because y/n asked me to then i don't want either." beomgyu glares. sunghoon keep himself silent at the mention of the girl.

" you look fine, anyway. there's nothing to check up on you." beomgyu said, straight to the point because he can't stand the silence in between. too silence that the sounds of bugs and insects are audible enough for him to hear.

sunghoon scoffs, " i'm perfectly fine. i won't get a broken bone just because you push me to the ground, right?" he sarcastically said.

" you kinda deserve it so i won't say sorry."

" i don't expect you to." sunghoon replied and again, silence take over again as there's nothing to be talked about.

sunghoon's mind is filled with thoughts, mostly at the way he feels guilty for hurting y/n just now. but he don't know how to approach her, let alone apologize since there's a possibility that she might be mad at him. at times like this, he feels stupid. or maybe useless too. and a coward.

" damn it, just go and see her already stupid." beomgyu finally speaks, glancing at the younger for a few seconds before rolling his eyes.

sunghoon only stares at beomgyu with an almost unreadable expression. but from the way his eyebrows furrowed, beomgyu knows he's confused.

" what? you want to see her, right? just go. what are you here for?" beomgyu sighs.

" why?"

" don't know, maybe because i'm not that kind of overprotective and possessive husband that doesn't let his wife be friends with any guy?" beomgyu snorts. " not like a certain someone." he chuckles, intending to mock sunghoon at the same time.

beomgyu doesn't want to hold back y/n from meeting sunghoon just because he had a beef with that guy. y/n and sunghoon are still friends— best friends even. they are very close to each other. just because sunghoon and beomgyu didn't get along well, that doesn't mean beomgyu will not allow y/n to meet him ever again.

sunghoon tensed up, knowing too well that beomgyu is talking about him. but he keeps himself quiet instead. it's already shocking enough that its like beomgyu can read his mind all of a sudden.

Happy Ending ➳ Choi Beomgyu [END]Where stories live. Discover now