Becoming a Father

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A cold December a woman gave birth to fraternal twins of uniq heritage. Having narrowly escaped death just days ago from her own father who turned cold and evil when learning about her pregnancy tried to burn her at the stake like a witch. But today over worked from the hard labor during her lonely delivery to her babies and the loss of blood she felt her very life force draining each passing second. And with each moment the new waning mother grew worried that she would leave her children in this big unpredictable and dangerous world. That she would not be able to protect and be their guid leaving them utterly alone. Or that they would die shortly after if not found by someone soon after she expired. Until he came...

The the first man to know of her pregnancy, and who it was from. The paladin her father ordered to bring her back to the Academy, but in the end ended up returning empty handed for her sake. And has traveled again so far and found her. He came with the chairman of the true cross academy, tall and slender with purple hair. She didn't know why the two men were there at her side in this exact moment, but what ever reason it may be she knew her son's would be found and she can stop desperately fighting the slow exhaustion of death.

"Yuri." His voice broke the silence of the cave she took shelter in. His expression showed utter indecisiveness and panic though he tried to keep it straight and his behavior calm.

"Shiro," she answered back her voice came as a hardly inaudible whisper, "these are my sons." She looked down her turquoise eyes reflecting the blue flames dancing from one of the children in which he inherited from his father, Satan. "The one with blue flames is Rin." She turned slightly with a soft smile,"The pale-skinned one is Yukio. They will... live strong... they will prove that Demons and humans can understand each other." She finished her voice fading at the very end and gave a soft chuckle with relief as her worry vanquished and finally slipped into peaceful death.

Shiro now left with the sword in his hand clenched his fists tightly. When given the order by Yuri's own father to kill his daughter and the children he felt everything he's worked for was a lie. To save a protect people from evil and unworldly suffering, now to murder a young woman and her children... The whole way threw the forest he traveled he prayed to God that somehow someway he wasn't the one having to end the lives of new born children.

"Well, one already taken care of, now all that is left are the children. Fujimoto, will you kill them? After all, they are the direct offspring of Satan." Mephisto the chairman whom just freed him from the prison cell after he'd then been accused of raping Yuri's and impregnating her! "They're demons." He reminded.

Shiro swallowed hard his hand shaking began to unsheathe the blade Kurikara the hissing metal stung at his ears his mind raced and yelled at him while watching the sleeping children in their dead mother's arms. 'This is wrong. Demon or not, who are we to decide their outcome, how can Mephisto be so eager to use that as some sort of valid excuse, he's a demon himself these are his brothers now!' Suddenly the little baby named as Rin cracked a toothless smile in his sleep and let out a giggle lightly squirming the blanket. His hand stopped and let the blade slide back into its sheath. "I can't." He shook his head, "he smiled at me... After that's already happened to them, after what I came here to do, he smiled."

The elder demon tilted his head the look of confusion stuck on his face, "I doubt he knows about it anyway."

"No. I'm not going to kill them." Shiro stated to him more clearly that he's firmly made up his mind.

"Oh? And what will you do, bring them and turn them into the Vatican?"

"No. I... I'll keep them. Raise them as my own." He dug in his pocket for the pack of cigarets to calm his nerves of his quick decision, but upon lighting it the giggle of the baby came again and he put it out, such a new fresh life doesn't deserved to be poisoned with the smoke of his bad habits.

It was silent for a minute or so until the chairman had a smile stretch his lips showing off his pointed fangs, "Keep them? As your own!? Seriously?!?" Shiro showed no signs of a joke on his face shooting him a hard glare as he busted out in a fit of laughter. Finally after regaining his professional composure he stood up right and sighed happily. "Alright I have a wager, you raise these two half demons as your own and I will cover up your trail and make sure the Vatican never finds out what you did. However if they become a threat I will kill them myself. Do you accept?"
'This demon thinks he can intimidate me with his so called wager into reconsideration then he clearly doesn't know me at all.' He thought to himself, "I accept it."

"Fantastic!" He snapped his fingers, "I did you the favor of sealing the blue flames within the Kurikara I figured it would be easier for him to live without emitting such brilliant flames 24/7."

"Oh. Thanks.... Meph can you do me, one last favor today?" He turned back facing Mephisto fixing the sword on his belt, "take them ahead, to the monetary and explain to the rest of the priests there the situation, while I finish here."
"Finish here? What is left to do?" The chairman asked already being handed his two new half brothers. "I haven't agreed to this favor of yours Fujimoto-" he mumbled feeling the two small figurines squirm against his chest as he reluctantly held them and his protest was silenced when he saw the paladin kneel at Yuri's side. He sighed looking down at the twins squirming about to this new sent not familiar or comforting as their mothers, "alright, consider it done."

"Thank you." Shiro nodded hearing the 'poof' of the demon teleporting with the babies leaving him the time he needed. Yuri lived in a cabin in the woods where he found very few tools but thankfully just the one he needed. After making the hole deep within the ground; unable to make the exact six feet finding it hard to climb out when you're alone. Finally he covered in the sheets saturated in her blood moving her chocolate brown colored hair from her face viewing her one last time before he laid her to rest he felt the tears flood his eyes behind his glasses as he silently filled in the dirt and marked the grave with a stone.

"Yuri" he finally rested on his knees in front of the grey stone, "please forgive me. When I arrived much too late to help you, you entrusted me with the last bit of your life that your sons will live... I came to kill them." He sucked in a deep breath of air through sniffles, "You're father ordered me to find and kill you and your children and I, like the Vatican's lap dog to obey every order w-was going to do so!" He broke down crying in guilt that he had gotten as far unsheathe the sword. "I couldn't do it. These boys already have gone threw too much trauma for just being born, they don't have a mother to guid them their father...." He paused catching his breath and began to calm himself again, "Yuri, I don't know how good I'll influence these boys, my example of a father, wouldn't be one to consider for a role model. But I'll be better than that, your last wishes were that they live strong, I promise to get them there."

When Shiro arrived back at his monastery he noticed Mephisto sitting on one of the benches in the main room the babies fusses echoed through the empty room. His tapping boots perked the demons ears but he didn't greet him with a smile but more of an annoyed scowl.

"What are you still doin here? I would have thought you'd burn up staying in a place for so long." Shiro smirked down in answer to the scowl.
"Ah ha ha, funny." The elder demon stood up pressing the children into Shiro's chest and wiped himself off from the lingering feeling of the wriggling children, "your fellow priests had left in a hurry after I explained the situation and your decision."
Shiro looked shocked and disappointed until his friend continued, "they're conducting a baby shower. All the necessary items for raising the kids, 'semi properly'." He smirked taking out his grey wallet and thumbed through the money he had taking out a sizable amount and flashed it to Shiro before slipping it into his coat pocket and pat it for a reminder to him, "get them a present from their big brother."

"W-whoa that's a lotta money, I can't take that!" Shiro gasped but unable to give it back with his hands full.

"Fujimoto I am cheap, but you my friend deserve and very well will need what I just gave you, haven't I told you to just trust me on certain things? What ever it is you decide to use it on, I have the upmost feeling you will use it correctly. So now I bid you a fair well and good luck on your journey, congratulations on becoming a father." He turned on his heals swiftly and left the monastery and Shiro holding the brothers in silence.


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