Black Cat

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"Shura please, I need your help. You're an expert with demon swords, in fact you're the best there is.."
"Are you crazy?! That four eyed chicken was one thing, but from everything you've told me about Rin, it's too risky! You can't put a demon sword in the hands of just a child! I'm not gonna go down for that, why would you try to drag me into this!?"
"But Shura, please... He needs it, he isn't that bad in fact he's quite amusing.."
"No! You just want to pawn him off on me because you can't handle him anymore. What happened to the cool-headed perfect exorcist I know!? Getting scared now in your old age? Can't handle troublesome kids anymore huh Fujimoto? There's no way in hell I'd be caught training the son of satan's child to use a damn sword. What is it you're trying to do?! You've abandoned me and now sheltering the spawns of Satan!? How dare you come to me for something like this!! Don't ever come back here!!" The first class exorcist let the picture of the two boys fall to the floor as she turned around leaving her former mentor with his head bowed in silence.

'No... I haven't abandoned you Shura... I'm sorry you've felt that way but I've known everything, and you grew, from that scared child I remember sitting with only the company of her demon snakes, into a strong and capable woman. Forgive me, for making you feel, so alone again.' Shiro had spoken silently after she had left. 'I understand though... If I were you I'd be hesitant to believe this... It looks like... This is how things are going to be.'

The cell phone in his pocket rang pulling him from his sulking against a golden pillar of the building. He hadn't gathered his thoughts but not wanting to miss the call took the phone and answered the call.
"Fujimoto?? Hello? Are you there??" The voice asked.
"I'm here, sorry about that..." He answered back trying to keep his voice on a neutral tone, but in doing so gave off the hint that something was wrong.
"Ah Paladin Fujimoto, we have a-- ah, hey are you okay? You sound kind of sick like a cold or something."
"Yeah, something like that... No rest for the wicked, I suppose your calling me with a mission?"
"Oh y-yes sir! There seems to be demon activity at a construction site, you weren't home but I gave the detail folder to your son Yukio."
"Very well. Thank you, I'll take care of it..."
"Oh and uh, get well soon sir!"

Shiro made it back home where Yukio was waiting for him and had several books scattered around him.
"Oh welcome home dad! I didn't here you come in." Yukio stood up to greet him.
"Oh thanks kiddo. Hey you have that file?" By this time Shiro had tucked away his worries and played it cool.
"Oh yeah I have it." He pulled the folder out, "I didn't look through it, I'm still finishing my home work but I'm just now done-- hey dad are you okay?" Yukio was able to catch on the slight difference in his father the way his eyes scanned the pages in the file but looked like he hadn't been reading nor bothered to change to the next page.
"Of course I'm fine. Get yourself ready while I get what I need for this." Shiro snapped out of his over baring thoughts and took a quick glance at the page again this time actually reading, "Oh and, where's yer brother?"
"Hm, oh last I saw he was looking in the news paper for job listings..." Yukio said with a frown, "Are you really going to let him quit school? ... I mean it's good to see him actually try and do something and be happy again but, it's kinda... Embarrassing."
"Leave him alone, both of you might have been born in the same place and time though twins you're entirely separate people, with your own choices to make, it will not be your job to judge him on his decisions on the path he follows because it's very different from your own."
"Yes I know, sorry." Yukio nodded as he got up from the finished work, "You seem tired, have you gotten any sleep last night? Maybe they can find someone else to do the mission--"
"I'm fine! Sleep is for the weak. Go get ready hurry now!" He pushed him along back to his room and passed Rin asleep on the couch with a newspaper over his face.

"Oi." Shiro leaned over the couch and picked the paper from his face.
"Huh? Oh I was just looking at-"
"The comic page, don't try and fool me." Shiro rolled up the paper and smacked him on the head.
"No I got a few jobs written down! I'll call them tomorrow maybe after school. Since next year is going to be the last of middle school and all, I can work part time while still in school, and Then once I'm done I can switch to full time!!"
Shiro sighed tossing the paper aside, "Try to do some serious work for once Rin, if you really want the job you'd call them now, by tomorrow it could already be gone."
"Ugh alright alright! You're taking Yukio to that after school thing again?"
"Mhm... He's trying to get into a major high school, the one I used to teach at. They won't let just anybody in, there's a huge entrance exam you have to pass first."
"Lame, why would anybody want to go through the trouble to get into a place so horrible? I'm going to be working in the real world! I was told that a lot of girls go for guys with a job!"
"It's not you they'd go for, it's your wallet. But if that's the way you want to look at it, and it pushes you to get things done."

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